Four Causes of Crooked Teeth

Four Causes of Crooked Teeth | Health | Converge

The problems associated with having crooked teeth can be more worrying than just detracting from a person displaying a confident dazzling smile. This is a dental condition that can give rise to more serious dental issues or impact the way a patient eats and the manner in which they speak.

In addition to these challenges, crooked teeth have also been known to contribute to other dental conditions such as periodontal disease that can lead to tooth loss and cause excessive wear and tear on dental structures (teeth, gums and jaw). This unwarranted stress on these parts of the mouth can lead to jaw strain, a patient experiencing chronic headaches and cracked or fractured teeth.

Having crooked teeth is not the end of the road. Traditionally dental braces (the metal brackets and wires type) were used to fix crooked teeth issues from overcrowding to misaligned bites. Over the years advancements in dental technology have provided patients with alternative clear teeth-correcting instruments that offer advantages such as reduced treatment timeframes, more comfort and affordability. The favourable cost of Invisalign in London is one reason why such a treatment method has gained in popularity.

Internal and external factors that cause crooked teeth

There are many roads to a patient developing crooked teeth. These root causes are wide ranging as they are numerous – and comprise of internal and external environmental factors. The following causes are found to be the most common.

  1. Hereditary influences

Often genetics play a role in the development of crooked teeth. If parents have crooked teeth, there is more likelihood that their children may find themselves with the same dental condition. The odds are increased if both parents have an issue such as a crowded mouth or uneven bite.

  1. Poor gum health

Gum disease is often linked to tooth loss and one consequence of this is that missing teeth open up space for remaining teeth to move. Teeth changing their position impacts on a patient’s bite. In a similar manner, having teeth knocked out due to a facial injury also influences the shifting of teeth. It is for this reason that patients should seek to replace missing teeth as a matter of urgency.

  1. Thumb sucking

Four Causes of Crooked Teeth | Health | Converge

Thumb sucking is discouraged as the habit forces teeth to move in a contrary direction, with a misaligned bite being a common consequence.

  1. The natural process of ageing

Ageing has a widespread effect on the physical body and this effect extends to include the teeth. It is not unknown for more mature patients to experience the tendency of teeth to move out of alignment giving rise to crowding issues. This is due to the loss of jawbone density that occurs over time, and because of the change in shape, teeth can begin to move forwards, crowding at the front of the mouth.

Dental braces remain the industry’s go-to treatment method to straighten crooked teeth and misaligned bites. It should be noted that even after treatment has been completed and desired results obtained, patients are further required to wear retainers to ensure these results are maintained. For more information on treatments or to secure an evaluation, contact your dental clinic.

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