Dental braces and the end of smile embarrassment

The BBC recently reported that orthodontists have seen as much as a seventy-five per cent increase in the number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment. This same report identified that the majority of these patients were between twenty-six and fifty years of age. Women appeared to be the most prominent section of society, however more and more men are also seeking treatment. This highlights the fact that patients are becoming increasingly aware of their facial appearance, especially their teeth. The latest dental science and technological advances, not only in dentistry but…

How to achieve a beautiful smile

Did you know that a survey in 2018 found that almost 40% of the adult population in the UK are unhappy about the look of their smiles? You are not alone. There are many different factors that can affect the appearance and health of your teeth. Thanks to the advances in dental technology, it is now easier than ever to address these factors for a more aesthetically pleasing and healthier smile in people of all ages with differing degrees of misalignment. First, you will need to book an appointment to…

Approaching a mask-free society with a straighter smile

Six Month Smiles, how can it help? A perfectly straight smile is a naturally rare occurrence, and therefore, with misalignment of the teeth being a common dental issue, it is no wonder that a variety of dental solutions throughout history have been created. Whilst past treatments have paid little attention to the cosmetic implications of the treatment, using advances within modern technology and knowledge, the cosmetic appearance along with the effectiveness of the treatment have continued to develop resulting in a variety of braces Liverpool.  Using the effectiveness of the traditional…

Achieve a Radiant Smile With Invisalign

Achieve a Radiant Smile With Invisalign | Health | Converge

Our lives are so busy and stressful that our teeth often take the back burner. How do you find the time to visit the dentist or the orthodontist when you barely have time for lunch between meetings or picking up your children from school? We do not prioritise our teeth and yet feel insecure about their appearance. We hide our smiles and cover our mouths when we laugh to avoid the word’s judgement about our crooked and unsightly teeth.  Invisalign in Luton requires no frequent visits to the orthodontist’s clinic,…