An Introduction To Product Liability Cases

An Introduction To Product Liability Cases | Business | Converge

Have you been injured as the result of a faulty product? Of course, every item that is made available for public use goes through rigorous testing. However, there are instances where damaged and faulty products slip through the wire. If you have been injured as a result of this you will be entitled to compensation. With that being said, read on to discover everything you need to know about this type of accident claim…

What type of injuries can lead to a product liability accident claim?

These types of claims relate to literally any type of injury that has been caused because of a faulty product. This can be anything from reactions to beauty products to electric shocks caused by damaged electric goods.

How do I know if I have the basis for a product liability claim?

You need to prove three things to be true. Firstly, you need to be able to show that you have been injured because of someone else’s error or negligence. In this instance, you will be showing that the manufacturers and retailers were in the wrong by making the product available for sale when it was not safe. Aside from this, the injury must have happened within the past three years, as this is the time limit on all personal injury cases. And finally, you must have seen a medical professional for your injuries, as you need to be professionally diagnosed with them in order to make an accident claim in Islington.

What do you need to do to make a claim?

You will need to find a solicitor to work on your case for you. You need someone who specializes in product liability cases. You may also require other legal services, for example, video conference court reporters. This depends on the nature and severity of your case.


What steps should you take if you have been injured?

  1.  See a medical professional – There is only one place to begin and this is with the fact that you should see a doctor straight away. It does not matter how minor your injuries may seem, it is imperative to get professionally diagnosed if you want to have any chance of making a claim.
    2.    Report the accident to the manufacturer and/or retailer – When making this type of claim it is always advisable to report the incident to the parties (business who sold the item and manufacturers) that are responsible. This shows that you have handled everything above board, which is vital when it comes to the claim process.
    3.    Take photographs of your injuries – This is of course only applicable if your injuries are visible. Nonetheless, a common type of product liability case is when a cream or lotion causes burns and/or irritation. This is the type of injury that can be photographed in order to help your case.
    4.    Keep proof of expenses – From treatment costs, to loss of income, to counseling expenses, it is vital to keep proof of any expenses encountered because of your injuries.


So there you have it – everything you need to know about product liability cases.

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