Don’t Fear Progess, Utilize It!

Don't Fear Progess, Utilize It! | Business | Converge

You might have noticed in the news or online small companies complaining about how big websites like Amazon have obliterated their chance at making profits. One of the issues with sites like this is that they sell EVERYTHING. That means regardless of what your business offers to customers, you are going to be in competition with companies like this. You’ll have to compete on the same level of pricing or, you’ll have to provide a USP that means you stand out over what they can offer.

This is just one of the problems progress has caused in the modern economy. But is it actually a problem? Or, can you utilize changes like this and turn them to be a big advantage for a company like yours? Let’s look at some of the examples and possibilities.

A Turn Towards Outsourcing

One of the biggest changes in the industry is a more prominent focus on outsourcing. You can learn more about outsourcing on It seems that everywhere you look these days, businesses are outsourcing their staff or even using freelancers. This does create an issue for employees who are then forced to compete with what is essentially cheaper labour and can lose their jobs. However, for business owners and those behind SMEs, it’s nothing short of a massive win. With outsourcing, costs can be kept completely under control and the business model itself will be incredibly flexible. So, you certainly shouldn’t fear to outsource. Instead, you should embrace it as a saving feature of your business model. That’s if you can find a team who will deliver the quality service that your customers want and trust.

Larger Sites Outpacing Other Companies

As we have discussed, major sites like Amazon are replacing small shops and companies. But there’s no reason not to use this as an advantage. You can do this by working as an Amazon Seller. According to sites like, this simply means that you can then sell your products through the website and therefore gain a greater chance of benefiting from a larger audience. They will easily be able to find your products through a resource that they almost certainly now rely on. So, while sites like this may be pushing out small businesses, others are seeing this as a fantastic opportunity to essentially get all the advantages of a major website with a massive ranking to sell through.

Going Automated

You should also think about investigating the concept automation. Automation is a concept that can be now be used in a variety of different setups and solutions. There’s physical hardware that provides automated solutions as well as software. Ultimately, then through automation, you can speed up processes in your business, saving both time and money.

You might think that technology like this is completely out of reach for a small business budget. However, this isn’t the case at all. Look on the market and you will find that the tech is totally affordable and could be the perfect solution for your needs. You can explore this more on

We hope you find this advice useful and start taking a look at economic progress from a different perspective.

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One Thought to “Don’t Fear Progess, Utilize It!”

  1. […] and are the essential methods which every company should have access to. While it can be awkward to set things like this up, it will be worth making sure that people are able to talk to you through methods which make them […]

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