Honest Progress: What Does It Really Take To Gain A Good Entrepreneurial Reputation?

Honest Progress: What Does It Really Take To Gain A Good Entrepreneurial Reputation? | Business | Converge

When looking to grow your business, what do you consider to be the most important component? Everybody has their own perceptions, but when the topic of entrepreneurialism is concerned, reputation can go a long way. When starting out, referrals are essential, but what can you do to ensure that you have a good reputation so people will pick up the phone and call you? Is it all in the marketing, or is it something else?

Controlling Your Image (but Not Too Much)

While we can take inspiration from the numerous politicians out there, or, in fact, the numerous influencers on social media, we have to be careful with our image and how we control this. As there are great methods we can take advantage of, the standard corporate headshot, the explainer video, as well as a decent LinkedIn profile, controlling your image too much can be sniffed out by clients. Just be careful not to make your self-promotion too sanitized.

Seizing Opportunities

As you build your reputation you will start to get attention; some good, and some bad. Unfortunately, this is par for the course. And when someone decides to post some negative vitriol all about you, the temptation to take it personally will flash in your mind. But let it go. Instead, use these negative comments as opportunities. Whether it’s customers or clients, there is no need to engage in a public spat online. Instead, reach out to them, and communicate directly, either by a private message, or the old fashioned telephone. We need to look for opportunities to improve, and if we have a perfect score from everyone, this doesn’t give us the chance to develop. As they say, if everyone likes you, you’re doing something wrong.

Deliver On Your Promises

In many ways, it’s as simple as this. Transparency requires focus and dedication. Being someone who has a good reputation takes work. It requires you to look at your own weaknesses, and make tweaks to them, or turn these negatives into positives. To acquire a good reputation, you’ve got to deliver what you promise. Hyperbole is easily done, especially when you’re starting out and you just want to make a good impression. But promises you can’t keep will be the undoing of you before you even have the chance to take off. Not only should you do what you say you’re going to do, but if you make a mistake in the process, own it! There are still people out there willing to paper over the cracks. If we make a mistake, no matter how little, if we own up to it, and rectify it, it will not just please the person, but also provides us with a thorough foundation in which to operate. These little things become a habit. But if we shirk them, we get into the habit of avoiding responsibility. Start small.

Everybody has their own opinion of what a good reputation entails. Some believe it’s complete control over their imagery, others take the backyard approach, and scheme their way to the top, and no doubt, you’ve got your own opinions. But if you want to go the distance, it’s not rocket science, it’s all in relation to honesty.


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