Proactive Practices For Small Business Success

Proactive Practices For Small Business Success | Business | Converge

Spend most of your time running around putting out ‘fires’ in your business? That means you are working on a reactive basis. Now I’m not saying that dealing with problems quickly and efficiently when they occur is a bad thing, but you can take things to the next level by being proactive.  This is when you think about all the possible issues that could happen and then take steps to prevent them from occurring the first place. Happily, this approach can be applied to a range of departments as well, many of which you can read about in the post below.


Traditionally, the way the employment process works is that a position because available in your business, you advertise for this, and then hope that someone relatively well suited to the job applies.

Just think, how improved this could be if you were proactive about this process! Then you could ensure that the absolute best person was in the role each and every time, something that could have a significant impact on your business’s productivity, efficiency, and profits.

One way to be more proactive with employment is to headhunt people for the role based on their success in another organization. A subject you can discover more about at In fact, this is such an effective way of filling an opening with the best people that there actual professional agencies that can do this for you. Something that means you can outsource your proactivity!


Another way that you can take that proactive attitude and run with it is to apply this to your IT management.

In fact, by using a management company like

that will monitor your network and actually come to you when they spot potential problems. The best ones will contact you when something seems off, along with the solutions they are already putting in place to deal with them, something that means you can head off most issues before they come to pass.


Once again the areas of marketing can be shaken entirely up by applying a proactive approach. Traditionally a product is created with a demographic in mind, and then marketing materials are designed to appeal to the group of people that make up that demographic.

However, proactive techniques such as micro marketing, as discussed at allow companies to market to individuals on their buying preferences, and so personalize their marketing materials and product offers to precisely what these customer need.

Of course, this means the company is much better fulfilling the needs of the client and so is much more likely to make a sale. All because they were proactive in their approach.

Customer service

Similarly, when it comes to customer service, taking a proactive approach rather than a reactive one can be much more effective.

A fantastic example of this is when businesses that offer services that are paid yearly send out bills, with a warning about the price. This can then help customer be less shocked and so respond in a less negative way, leave better feedback, and have a better experience overall. Something that will contribute to them staying with that business for the year to come, because of proactivity.

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2 Thoughts to “Proactive Practices For Small Business Success”

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