Productive Tips For Office 365

Productive Tips For Office 365 | Technology | Converge

When working in an office or for ourselves, one of the most widely used programs of all had to be office 365. Windows has been around for many decades and most of us have grown up using office and applications like word and excel and PowerPoint. We might think that we have it all figured out when using this handy device but actually there are a lot of things we don’t know.

Today we are going to look at Office 365 and Office 365 for Business and see what kind of things we can do to make our work more productive.

Declutter your inbox

When we are getting emails through to the computer every single day it can become a little overwhelming and this can make your days long when you have to sift through tonnes of different messages from colleagues and companies and marketing campaigns. However office has a feature called Clutter where you will be able to declutter your main inbox by placing marketing emails and ones viewed as not essential into a separate inbox. Simply use Settings > Options > Mail > Automatic processing > Clutter then select Separate items identified as Clutter.

Ignore group emails

Group emails can be annoying when you aren’t an active part of the group conversation. This is why outlook has a handy way of hiding these emails from you so that you don’t have to see them right away. You simply select ignore message and the chat will continue without you having to see every little thing which is sent.

Work offline

When working outside of the office you might not always have a stable connection to the internet and this can make things a little harder for you to work effectively. This is why office allows you to work offline and this means that you will never risk dipping in and out of service and losing all of your work. It is a good idea for you to do this whenever you want to head out for meetings and you will be able to still work effectively.

Use Outlook plugins

Outlook has the option for you to add plugins to make it more efficient. There are actually lots of great plugins which you can use for outlook and there are even ones such as PayPal which you can use if you wanted to send payments online between you and a friend.

Tell them what to do

Did you know that you can tell your applications what to do? No? Well this is a great tool for making your work more productive. When sifting through menus and options you might start to think about how boring it is, and you would be right. It is a great idea for you to use Alt + Q when opening an application and you can search for the option you need right away. It saves time and makes life easier.

With these Office 365 tips you’ll have no issues making your working day much more productive and simple today.

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