Tools Needed To Create A Digital Product

Tools Needed To Create A Digital Product | Business | Converge

No matter what your business is, creating a digital product is something you should be doing, and although you may think this is something that’s beyond your ability, not something that would be relevant for your business, or something that just wouldn’t work for you, the reasons for creating a digital product actually far outweigh the reasons not to create one.

Not only are they easier than ever to create, but they’re an amazing way to add an additional income stream to your business whilst also sharing value with your customers that they can access for a much lower price point than usual.

In this post, we’re going to share with you some of the essential tools you’ll need to get started with creating your first digital product so you can see they’re really not difficult at all.

Word Processor Or Presentation Software:

If your product is going to be something like an e-book or a digital course, then you’ll need a place to create the actual content for it and this can include something like a document or even a presentation where you can create the different modules of the course for people to access after purchasing. Presentation software allows you to add in things like images, graphics and even videos to your material for a really professional look that’s easy to create. To get an idea of what you can do with presentations for your course, then take a look at

Screencast Software:

To make your course even more interactive, then recording your voice over it or showing how different things are done on screen is easily achieved by a screencast software that allows you to share your screen as you go through the details of the course.


Although most computers will have their own microphone built in and these are fine to use, you can also buy an additional one to make the sound quality even better and more professional if you want to. If you’re creating an e-book then a microphone obviously won’t be needed, but if you’re creating a course where you want to do a screencast presentation, then it’s going to be something that’s essential. The good news is microphones are really not expensive to buy and you can find many great quality ones online.

Email Marketing Software:

Email marketing is an essential part of any online business, but if you want to automate the sales of your digital products that you create, then you’ll need an email marketing system for this. Once someone buys your product, you can have an automated email that goes out to them straight away with a download link or login details for something like a course.

Payment System:

Obviously you’ll need a way to collect payments for your digital product, so this is one of the main things you’ll need to have in place before you start listing your product for sale. Payment systems really don’t have to be complicated and you can use something like PayPal or Stripe when getting started so that you can bring those sales in.

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