Technology Ideas For Your Car

Technology Ideas For Your Car | Technology | Lifestyle | Converge

Once upon a time driving your car was about getting in, turning the key and setting off. But now there are options coming out of your ears for technology to enhance your journey. Here we are going to take a look at some of the options available to you and your car to make your next miles on the road as enhanced as possible. Car Assistant Your car is in constant use, finding the time to check every single part is going to be incredibly difficult to do. That is…

What To Expect From Your Doctor

What To Expect From Your Doctor | Health | Converge

Do you ever avoid making an appointment at your clinic because you assume that you won’t be able to get the help you need, or have you ever left a doctor’s office feeling like you didn’t really get the answers you wanted or the standard of care you deserved? Many people are apprehensive about seeing a doctor, and sometimes, this stems from expectations, which may or may not be unrealistic. If you’re not sure what should really happen at an appointment, or you feel like your doctor has let you…

Improving Your Approach To Payroll In 2019

Improving Your Approach To Payroll In 2019 | Business | Converge

As we enter a New Year, we should not only make personal resolutions but business ones too. Read on to discover some tips on improving your approach to payroll in 2019. Make sure you properly categorise your employees – It may sound obvious, but you need to make sure that all of your workers are categorised as either hourly or salary. This makes everything much easier to manage, especially when it comes to overtime purposes and determining whether someone is non-exempt or exempt. Have a transparent payroll policy – It…

Cutting Costs, Not Corners

Cutting Costs, Not Corners | Business | Converge

Becoming an economically sound business is not about cutting corners; it’s about cutting costs. Costs that are unnecessary and lead to spending far more than you need. These costs are not sustainable for long-term success, so identifying and ridding yourself of them makes sound business sense. We explore some money saving tips for small businesses and identify areas where you could be over spending. Let our guide walk you through some tips you can put in place today to save money now and into the future. Rethink your employee strategy…

How to Accelerate Your Business Growth in The New Year

How to Accelerate Your Business Growth in The New Year | Business | Converge

There’s only so much one person can do.  Yet, many entrepreneurs feel the need to do it all themselves, which can feel empowering at first, as there are a lot of knowledge gaps that can be filled when starting out by taking this approach – indeed, for many entrepreneurs it’s a necessity to do everything themselves because they don’t have the funds to outsource tasks or employ others for growth. The challenge, however, is that there are so many hours in the day and often business owners are working “in”…

Elon Musk’s Crazy New Transportation Tech Will Have Your Head Spinning

Elon Musk's Crazy New Transportation Tech Will Have Your Head Spinning | Technology | Converge

It’s fair to say that Elon Musk is a little obsessed with transportation. He’s no ordinary train-spotter, though. No, he’s on a mission to radically change how every person on the plant gets around. And we’re not just talking about electric cars. The man wants to change the way cities organise themselves by introducing new forms of transportation that undermine the current car/suburbia setup. While most countries have some kind of public transportation network in place – even the US – the current model is old. Most of our transportation…

How Your Diet Can Impact Your Mental Health

How Your Diet Can Impact Your Mental Health | Health | Converge

When it comes to food and health, we generally consider how our diet can impact our physical health. We are all well aware that eating a healthy, balanced diet filled with fruit and vegetables can help our bodies to develop, heal, and maintain themselves effectively. If we consume anything out of moderation or indulge in too much sugar, salt, or fats, our physical health can quickly take a turn for the worse and we can find ourselves suffering from all sorts of negative conditions, illnesses, and diseases – from obesity…