Expanding Your Current Business Location: A Step By Step Guide

Expanding Your Current Business Location: A Step By Step Guide | Business | Converge

Small businesses often reach a point where they outgrow their premises. They then face a decision of packing up and moving their entire operation or expanding the location they currently have. Of these choices, the latter is often the most cost-effective option, but that doesn’t mean that it necessarily an easy path to tread. Luckily, you can make the entire process much easier by reading step by step guide below. The figures First off, before you do anything else, you really need to run the numbers. We’re not just talking…

5 Industries In Business That Are Most Likely To Succeed In 2019

5 Industries In Business That Are Most Likely To Succeed In 2019 | Business | Converge

If you’re thinking about creating your own business or start-up then it’s worth considering what industries are booming this year. If they align with what you already have as an idea, then that’s even better. Here are five industries in business that are most likely to provide you with success this year. CBD Products (Cannabidiol) CBD products are making waves across the globe because they contain cannabidiol which can help combat a variety of health issues including anxiety and pain relief. With even a cannabis show popping up here and…

Lies We, Gaming PC Builders, Tell Ourselves

Lies We, Gaming PC Builders, Tell Ourselves | Gaming | Converge

Remember the days when a gaming PC wasn’t synonymous with a bunch of RGB lighting strips? Hate it or love it, the PC gaming industry is here to stay. Whenever either Nvidia or AMD releases a new chip architecture, you drool and curse the industry at the same time. The salivation at the sheer amount of RAM and GFLOPS and the immediate cursing of the bitcoin miners for driving up the prices of GPUs through the roof and way beyond. And in most cases, we don’t even need all that…

3 Ways To Show You Care In A Relationship

3 Ways To Show You Care In A Relationship | Relationships | Converge

In any relationship, both parties need to know that they are cared for and that it is important to the other one if it is to survive and stand the test of time. Although of course it is perfectly ordinary for a relationship to go through particular struggled here and there, as long a you have the basic ground covered you should find that you can always return to a more or less stable equilibrium. But how can you make sure of this? One great way is to find little…

Dramatic Home Changes To Consider In The Spring

Dramatic Home Changes To Consider In The Spring | Decor | Converge

Our homes can feel a little less loved during the winter months. People are less likely to make changes, decorate or take on big projects because of the weather, the time of year and also the finances feeling a little tight thanks to Christmas and January, However, with Spring on the horizon, now might be the time to start planning some changes, and it is the ideal time to do something dramatic and take on the big projects. So here is a little inspiration to help you get started. Take…

Fancy a Career in PR? Here Are Some Great Options

Fancy a Career in PR? Here Are Some Great Options | Lifestyle | Converge

Public Relations has been glamorised on television for decades. From Samantha in Sex And The City to Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors. Neither of the characters gives an accurate representation or feel for what PR is really about. In fact in an article in PR Week, by Paul Simpson, he explored why PR was always given such a lousy portrayal in movies and TV. Although painted as money-grabbing, cut-throat, and manipulative to the extreme the job of a good PR is more about taking bullets than dodging them. And aside…

How Are The Oldest Job Sectors Improving?

How Are The Oldest Job Sectors Improving? | Business | Converge

There’s a lot of sectors out there that you can work in, and make a very good and long career out of. However, some are a lot older than others, and have a long history behind them. And it’s because of their established past there’s a chance they won’t have a good future ahead of them – the world is rapidly changing, and with the amount of technology being released on a daily basis, business is one of the fastest fields to revolutionise. So it’s these older sectors that need…

How To Improve Your Marketing Efforts

How To Improve Your Marketing Efforts | Marketing | Converge

Competition is fierce in the world of business. Only the strong survive in a day and age whereby technology rules the roost. But the great news is; there are more tools available than ever before to help your business not only survive but excel in the current economic climate. Strong emphasis is placed on marketing in particular. After all, the tough economic times in recent years meant that a lot of people have become savvier with their spending and reluctant to part with their cash. Businesses need to find effective…

Truly Failsafe Productivity Hacks For Business Owners

Truly Failsafe Productivity Hacks For Business Owners | Business | Converge

Being a business owner isn’t all half days and bossing other people around. In fact, you’ll probably work more as a business owner than you ever have in your life. In order to get as much done as possible and make your business a success, you’ll want to utilize some of our productivity hacks. These hacks are truly failsafe and will help you to get to where you want to be with your business. Learn How To Prioritize Learning how to prioritize is key when you own a business. Being…

Modern Safety Solutions To Put Your Employees First

Modern Safety Solutions To Put Your Employees First | Business | Converge

The health and safety of your employees should be the most important priority for your business. Could you live with yourself if an accident happened on your watch? As health and safety regulations have become more sophisticated, so have the solutions that help to implement them. If you’re looking for some modern solutions for tackling your business’ health and safety processes, take a look at some of the following suggestions. Keeping up with online safety solutions Some of the biggest modern threats to your business happen online. From risking data…