Is It Time To Upgrade Your Iphone

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Iphone | Technology | Converge

We get offered new phones on upgrade and get drawn in by buying the latest models. But do you need a new iPhone? They’re so expensive now, and yours is probably just fine, right? It can be hard to tell when you need a new iPhone; some people buy the latest model every year, and others are still keeping hold of their phones for up to 10 years sometimes more. How do you know when it’s the right time to take the plunge and ditch your old iPhone for a new one? 

This isn’t about persuading you to change your phone immediately as people can upgrade too often, it’s about noticing the signs and taking the move from there. If any of these apply to you, it could be time to consider an upgrade with your iPhone. 

iOS Updates Are No Longer Available For Your Model 

Apple is one of the best brands of pheon that provide a new version of its operating system to people with older models of their phones. Unfortunately, there is a cut off with this, and it’s purely down to the advancing technologies. The older phones can’t deal with the newer software. There is often a cutoff point, so if you can’t make the new cutoff, consider your old iPhone end-of-life and think about getting a new one. 

Your screen is trashed but isn’t worth fixing

Cracked screens are, and you probably won’t be a stranger to them. Chips, cracks, and even entirely shattered screens happen to the best of us; it just tends to be something everyone has to experience. If you are ever unlucky enough to damage your screen and are set on fixing it have a look at They make your phone hard or even dangerous to use, and of course, they’re just frustrating. Most people will see it as a priority to get the screen fixed. However, sometimes it can cost you more to have the screen set than the phone is worth so then it’s maybe time to upgrade instead.

Your Photos Seem Less Than Perfect

So your pictures that you’re online to Instagram don’t seem to be cutting it any more, or they aren’t;t the same as other peoples pictures that they have around the house, this could very well be to do with the quality of your camera on your iPhone. As the phones have improved, so, have the cameras. When you bought your iPhone, you were probably amazed by the photos and videos you took. But now, every time you and your friend are taking pictures of the same thing, you’re a little embarrassed by how yours are looking. Although the cameras get better each year you don’t need to buy a new phone to compete, every 3-4 years should do just fine. But bear in mind that if you want the latest tech on your camera phone, then an upgrade may be due. 

No More Accessories

You probably want to add a screen cover and case to help protect your phone, but you’re unable to do this because they no longer sell them. A big part of having the latest tech is to show it off and to do this; people tend to like to add personality to their phones as well as protecting them. If you can no longer find the add-ons you want, then it could be time to look at getting new. 

Do you have any other reasons that could indicate it’s time to upgrade your iPhone? Please share them in the comments section below.

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