Hectic Schedule? Here’s How a Busy Filipina Can Still Care For Her Skin

Hectic Schedule? Here's How a Busy Filipina Can Still Care For Her Skin | Converge

With all the pollution, stress, sweat, oil, and other things that Filipinas go through on a daily basis, how can we achieve clear and healthy skin?

It sounds impossible to maintain an elaborate skincare routine when you’re a busy Filipina, and the truth is no one has time to do a 10-step glass skin routine every day. If you’re an employee, mom, or student with a hectic schedule, here’s how you can care for your skin during your busy days:

1. Find products that work for you

It may take a little trial and error, but finding beauty products that work for your skin type is always worth it. There are endless options to choose from, such as Dear Klairs from Korea, and finding the right ones will depend on your skin type, preferences, and budget.

If you want more efficiency, opt for products that are multi-purpose, such as lotions or washes that have multiple uses (e.g. foam cleanser with beads for exfoliation)

2. Do a short nighttime routine

Your skin has gone through pollution of the city, sweat and oil from the heat, and perhaps stress due to school or work during the day. When you get home, your skin deserves a little pampering.

However, assignments, work, or chores won’t leave you a lot of time to do your skincare routine. If you can, compress your nighttime regimen to afew simple stepsonly, with makeup removal, cleansing, toning, serum, and moisturizer.

3. Have an everyday beauty bag

Do you find yourself rummaging through your drawers every day just to get one specific item? Don’t let your beauty routine make you late for work or school. For pieces that you use every day, keep them in one separate makeup bag for easy access in the mornings.

4. Use tinted moisturizer

A tinted moisturizer or a BB cream can give your face medium coverage without the need for foundation. This can save you a lot of time in the morning and keep your pores from getting clogged. You can even apply it on the way to work or school if you don’t have time to do your makeup in the mornings.

5. Keep your hair up

As much as possible, keep your hair away from your face. Our hair is our crowning glory, but it also catches the dirt, smoke, and germs that we come across every day. If you can, wear your hair up in a hairstyle that suits you, especially if you travel via public transport.

6. Exfoliate every week

Make it a point to exfoliate your skin at least once a week. Do so will get rid of dead skin cells and rejuvenate our skin to make it look fresher, younger, and brighter. Want to save time whileexfoliating your skin? Do it while you’re in the shower!

Being a busy woman can leave little room for skincare. Nevertheless, there are many ways to take care of your skin despite your busy schedule, and the ones mentioned above should top your list.

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