Strong dental marketing for becoming the best dental practice in town

Dental marketing is an important tool which you can use to help differentiate yourself from the other dental practices in your area. Dental marketing has moved to digital marketing.  The days of expensive paper marketing where the majority of leaflets and flyers were most likely discarded by uninterested members of the public are now a thing of the past. With effective dental marketing and social media you can target potential patients who are already interested in the treatments and procedures that you have to offer at your dental practice and looking to address their dental…

Dental braces and the end of smile embarrassment

The BBC recently reported that orthodontists have seen as much as a seventy-five per cent increase in the number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment. This same report identified that the majority of these patients were between twenty-six and fifty years of age. Women appeared to be the most prominent section of society, however more and more men are also seeking treatment. This highlights the fact that patients are becoming increasingly aware of their facial appearance, especially their teeth. The latest dental science and technological advances, not only in dentistry but…

What are the different options when it comes to getting dental implants?

If you are wanting to replace your missing teeth with dental implants Hertfordshire, there are a few different options to choose from depending on your needs. By having multiple types, it allows your dentist to provide you with the most effective replacement. This means that whether you have one tooth that needs replacing or many, you can be catered for.  Single tooth implant One of the most common options when it comes to implants are single tooth replacements. These can be done fairly quickly and very effectively, and can be a great…

The importance of dental marketing for your dental practice

With so many dental practices available in each town or village, it is important to have a good dental marketing scheme in place to help find new patients for your practice. Dental practices are now within walking distance of each other, so most people will walk past without even realizing that you are there. Sometimes, they will walk past, see your name and then decide to go home and search for you on Google, but it is highly unlikely that they will walk straight in to book an appointment. So, when…

Are you scared of the dentist? Here are some common techniques used in dental surgeries to calm your nerves

Are you scared of the dentist? Here are some common techniques used in dental surgeries to calm your nerves | Converge

Whether you are new to an area or have lived there for a while, if the thought of attending a dental appointment sends you into a cold sweat, you will need to find a dental professional who is understanding and compassionate. Dental phobia is incredibly common and while it can feel isolating, it is important that those who would rather go skydiving than attend a check-up know that many dental surgeries are able to offer anxiety reducing techniques during procedures. The days of getting a lecture from your dentist in…

Uncover the importance of dental implants in Windsor

Uncover the importance of dental implants in Windsor | Converge

Smilies across the nation Across Britain, there has been an overall increase in recent years in the amount of patients seeking cosmetic dentistry solutions to improve their overall dental wellbeing and boost the aesthetics of their smiles. There are many reasons behind this, including the rise in engagement with social media, as well as the smiles that are presented to us through various media and television platforms.  Whatever the rationale behind the increase is, the results are the same. Record amounts of Britons are seeking cosmetic dentistry, including dental implants…

Starting a journey to better oral health? The top 7 dental professionals that you may encounter

Starting a journey to better oral health? The top 7 dental professionals that you may encounter

Did you know that there are seven different types of dental practitioner? Strange isn’t it? Why are there so many? While most people are familiar with the different types of medical professionals one may find at a GP practice, many dental patients assume that there are only 2 different types of dental professional; general and orthodontic. Many dental patients typically see one family-based practitioner twice a year for routine check-ups but, depending on clinical presentations and secondary conditions, a patient may require the help of all seven types to get…

Common Dental Emergencies & What to Do About Them

Common Dental Emergencies & What to Do About Them | Health | Converge

Any kind of medical emergency is likely to be stressful and exhausting for everyone involved. When it comes to dental emergencies, a little bit of knowledge can go a long way in avoiding catastrophe. In many cases, frequent visits to the dentist will generally prevent an emergency from occurring, but this of course depends on the nature of the injury. An emergency is not only for when a person has been in an accident, although it is common for a dentist in Mackay to assist a patient who has a…

A Dental Tourism Checklist for Dental Treatments in Hungary

A Dental Tourism Checklist for Dental Treatments in Hungary | Health | Converge

Having medical procedures done overseas has many advantages; you save money while also enjoying the luxury of a holiday. That said, the decision to go ahead with dental treatments abroad is not without its set of risks that should not be taken lightly. Err on the side of caution when it comes to opting for dental treatments in Hungary. Read on if you are not sure where to start or the right questions to pose to your prospective dentists. Do not commit until you are confident Often, people go ahead…

What Are Dental Implants?

What Are Dental Implants? | Health | Converge

Dental implants are small titanium tubes which are used to provide support for replacement teeth. They are fixed into the jawbone so are firmly anchored in place. Over time, the implants will bond with the jawbone creating a strong ‘root’ that lasts for many years. They are completely safe, having been in use for many years now and can be used to replace individual missing teeth or, if the patient has sufficient bone left, they can in some cases replace a whole set of teeth.   How do implants differ…