Business Killing Tech Issues And How To Avoid Them

Business Killing Tech Issues And How To Avoid Them | Technology | Converge

Over 90 percent of new companies on the market fail with some experts suggesting that this is a conservative estimate. As a business owner, you need to ask yourself one key question. What’s the cause? Why on earth do so many get knocked out the market?

With some research and investigative work, we think you’ll find that the answer is technology. This blog is largely based around the idea of running a business outside the office. You can’t do that without the right tech and even if you are running your business from an office, you’ll find tech at the heart of it. So, let’s look at some of the worst tech issues you can encounter and how to hopefully avoid them when running your company.

A Hack

The first problem we need to think about is a hack in your company. By 2022 it’s estimated that there’s going to be a hack on a business every twenty seconds. If that number scares you then you’ll be pleased to know that you’re already in the right mindset. You can protect your business in a few vital ways. First, make sure you’re taking security seriously which means no silly mistakes. In other words, passwords for data files should not be family pet names or your child’s birthday. While it may be easy to remember, it’s also easy to guess.

Second, make sure that you are investing in the latest antivirus software. Most security issues do come from the same type of software that causes your computer to succumb to an e-bomb attack. It really can be that simple, particularly when you’re attempting to avoid the threat of a low-level hacker.

Tech Glitch

Business Killing Tech Issues And How To Avoid Them | Technology | Converge

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You do need to be aware that sometimes tech can just go wrong. It can cease to function sending your business back to square one. How do you deal with an issue like this, particularly when you won’t typically be able to see it coming? Well, we suggest you invest in a solid backup system. If your systems do crash then you will enter a period of disaster recovery. This can last up to a few months and during this time your company will not be on the market. That means that you can be forgotten. With a backup recovery in place, you can get things up and running again in minutes.

Of course, you are less likely to deal with a tech glitch if you make sure that your network is set up the right way. That’s all about making sure that you have expert consultants on hand to complete this task for you or at least check your work. When you learn more, you’ll discover that solutions like this are cost-effective even for a modest business budget.

Low Speeds

Business Killing Tech Issues And How To Avoid Them | Technology | Converge

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Last but not least, the world moves fast these days and you need to be prepared to move with it. The simplest way to fall behind is to fail to invest in the latest technology. This can add precious minutes onto the start of the working day and ultimately put you way behind the competition. It can impact everything from turnaround to customer impressions. A little tech upgrade will have a large impact.

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One Thought to “Business Killing Tech Issues And How To Avoid Them”

  1. […] your shots, but you can take this further with software like Photoshop. It will take a long time to develop the skills to use these applications with ease, but it will be worth getting started to eat up this […]

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