What Should You Look For In An IT Supplier?

What Should You Look For In An IT Supplier? | Business | Converge

There’s a lot of merit in having an IT supplier for your business. They’re able to help you focus on your company’s core duties, keep your sensitive data safe, and all-around help to boost your productivity. Now, you’re not going to have any trouble finding a company that can take care of your IT needs. However, it’s important to remember that not all managed service providers are created equal, and not all will be right for your business. Below, we take a look at a few key questions to ask…

Where To Buy A Diet Feeder

Where To Buy A Diet Feeder | Technology | Converge

No one would deny the fact that machinery plays a colossal role in modern day agriculture. When you assess farming of today with the past the differences are astounding. Barely any tasks at present are completed solely manually. This showcases just how important it is for farm owners to get their machine purchases right. This is especially the case when you consider how much of a substantial investment they represent. If you make a bad purchase this is something that cannot be easily brushed under the carpet.  Diet feeders have…

Tips On What It Takes To Make A Successful Blog

Tips On What It Takes To Make A Successful Blog | Marketing | Converge

To be able to be a successful blogger, first of all, you need to identify your strongest skill sets. Maybe you’re a great photographer or a graphics designer, or maybe you just love to code. Maybe your writing skills are unique enough to encapsulate a reader. Whatever the choice or reason to start a blog, you should use your skills! Don’t blog in a certain style because you’ve heard it’s effective or in a way that makes your strength the centre, be-all and end-all value people can take from looking…

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Iphone

Is It Time To Upgrade Your Iphone | Technology | Converge

We get offered new phones on upgrade and get drawn in by buying the latest models. But do you need a new iPhone? They’re so expensive now, and yours is probably just fine, right? It can be hard to tell when you need a new iPhone; some people buy the latest model every year, and others are still keeping hold of their phones for up to 10 years sometimes more. How do you know when it’s the right time to take the plunge and ditch your old iPhone for a…

Productive Tips For Office 365

Productive Tips For Office 365 | Technology | Converge

When working in an office or for ourselves, one of the most widely used programs of all had to be office 365. Windows has been around for many decades and most of us have grown up using office and applications like word and excel and PowerPoint. We might think that we have it all figured out when using this handy device but actually there are a lot of things we don’t know. Today we are going to look at Office 365 and Office 365 for Business and see what kind…

Haven’t Switched to Cloud Services Yet? You’re Missing Out

Haven’t Switched to Cloud Services Yet? You’re Missing Out | Technology | Converge

Cloud technology has been a staple in businesses for the past few years, but there are still countless businesses out there that have yet to experience the advantages of cloud computing and the benefits it can have for scaling a business. Technology has transformed how we operate our businesses and cloud solutions are just some of the many advances that we can expect to see in the coming decades. But if you haven’t switched to cloud services yet, then you’re absolutely missing out. To give you some idea of how…

4 Ways a CRM Can Transform Your Relationship With Your Customers

4 Ways a CRM Can Transform Your Relationship With Your Customers | Technology | Converge

It doesn’t matter where you do business, what you do or whom you do business with. It doesn’t matter how long your operation has been running, what your annual turnover is or how many people you employ. Your business success depends on one single thing… Your relationship with your customers. Businesses underestimate customer relationships at their peril. In an era where customers know that they can afford to be fickle, no business can afford to rest on its laurels or take its customers for granted. If you haven’t already invested…

Business Killing Tech Issues And How To Avoid Them

Business Killing Tech Issues And How To Avoid Them | Technology | Converge

Over 90 percent of new companies on the market fail with some experts suggesting that this is a conservative estimate. As a business owner, you need to ask yourself one key question. What’s the cause? Why on earth do so many get knocked out the market? With some research and investigative work, we think you’ll find that the answer is technology. This blog is largely based around the idea of running a business outside the office. You can’t do that without the right tech and even if you are running…

If You Ignore The Cloud, You’ll Lose Your Competitive Edge

If You Ignore The Cloud, You'll Lose Your Competitive Edge

Businesses have been using the cloud for nearly a decade. But many people at the top of those firms still don’t understand the many ways in which cloud computing offers a competitive edge. The cloud isn’t just something that’s nice to have, but an essential utility that can help improve your company’s prospects. Here are just some of the ways that it can help you outperform your competitors. Rapidly Launch New Applications When companies relied on tradition in-house IT systems to meet all their needs, it took a long time…

Tech Tools That Will Help Your Business Run More Efficiently

Tech Tools That Will Help Your Business Run More Efficiently | Technology | Converge

When it comes to running an online business, especially one where you may be working with a remote team for the most part, keeping things efficient is going to be done in large using technology, so it’s important that you’re able to keep things running smoothly through using the right kinds of tools and apps that will work quickly, efficiently, and lend themselves to remote working, so in this post we’re going to share with you some of our top tips to help your business run more efficiently. Project management…