How to Prepare Your Lawn For Spring

How to Prepare Your Lawn For Spring | Lifestyle

Once the snow melts, it’s time to start preparing for spring. Months of cold, ice, and snow can leave your lawn weak and deprived. So, how can you bring back its former glory?

Preparing for spring is the best way to make sure your lawn grows healthily and beautifully all-year-round. Fortunately, spring lawn care doesn’t require much work as long as you know the right things to do.

If you want your lawn to grow back as healthier than ever, here are some spring lawn care tasks that commerciallandscaping companies in Ann Arborswear by:

1. Raking

Raking in the spring will remove the leaves and grass blades that died over the winter, which can also help you control thatch. Moreover, raking will let you remove matted patches of dead grass, thus preventing snow mold and allowing new grass to grow freely.

2. Cleaning

Using a rake or air blower, remove leaves, branches, twigs, and other debris that has collected in your lawn during the winter. Don’t mow your lawn until you’ve given your yard a clean sweep; debris can get stuck in your lawnmower and cause it to malfunction.

3. Fertilizing and weeding

Take the golden opportunity to fertilize and weed your lawn early in the spring. Fertilizer gives your grass nutrition that will help them re-thrive after their winter starvation. When combined with a pre-emergent, this technique can also prevent crabgrass from growing.

Around six to eight weeks after your initial application, put a combination of fertilizer, pre-emergent, and weed killer on your lawn to kill crabgrass and any emerging weeds.

4. Mow frequently

Letting the grass grow too long and then cutting it can send your lawn into a “grass shock.” When this happens, grassroots become weak and diminished, which puts them at risk of disease and pests. To avoid grass shock, mow your lawn early in the spring (at least six days into the season) and mow every five days instead of once a week.

5. Trim trees

If there any trees on your property, it’s your responsibility to have them trimmed. Dead branches can be difficult to spot unless you climb up the tree, and if they fall, they can cause potential injury and damage to property.

When the spring comes, have your trees pruned by a professional, especially if you see dead branches or haven’t had the tree trimmed for more than three years. It can save you a nasty lawsuit in case a dead branch falls on a neighbor’s car or worse–on the neighbor.

6. Postpone overseeding

When the snow melts, and you see brown patches in the grass, it may be tempting to overseed it to bring back the green lush. However, if you apply pre-emergent and weed killer on your lawn, grass seed cannot germinate. Thus, spring isn’t an ideal time tooverseed your lawn. Wait for autumn instead so that your grass seed doesn’t have to compete with crabgrass, and it can germinate well using the fertilizer you applied.


Do you want your lawn to look lush and green all season long? Make sure your lawn is prepared for the spring using these vital lawn care tips.

If you want to learn more about lawn care, visit U.S. Lawns today.

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