How To Use Technology To Improve Business

How To Use Technology To Improve Business | Business | Converge

Running a business in the modern day will often involve introducing all sorts of technology to your workflow. The trick is to avoid employing the use of tech just for the sake of it. We are going to take a look here at some of the ways that you can make the most of technology to support and improve your workplace. The trick is to identify the problems and find ways that tech and gadgets can help you out.


There is a single truth that runs through every business and that is that we all would rather be working smarter than harder. Nobody wants to be spending extra hours in the office, especially when there are ways to avoid doing just that. If that sounds like your workforce, then here is a great example of somewhere that you can use technology to improve your operations.

Productivity apps are growing in popularity throughout businesses around the world because, simply, they are making life easier for owners, managers and team leaders. Applications like Todoist allow you to set up organisation diaries for yourself and also your team. This is particularly useful for projects because you are able to assign tasks from a universal dashboard to team members. There are similar applications like Asana and Trello; these apps all allow you to schedule your tasks both on an individual level and across a team.

How To Use Technology To Improve Business | Business | Converge

Photo by FirmBee from Pixabay



We have touched upon how management can make the most of technology in the productivity section. However, there are many ways that you can get your team leaders to manage their staff with applications that will enhance your record keeping and improve team dynamics. Making the most of a time and attendance system will mean you don’t have to spend time chasing up absences and time management issues. No, instead you will be putting the onus of being on time and present on your staff which is a much more efficient way of running a team.

A lot of management in any business is running statistics and key performance indicator checks on your team. For some companies the best way to do that is through Microsoft Excel, using things like macros to pull data from several spreadsheets. Once again, there are applications out there that might be more useful than the one-size-fits-all approach of Excel. Geckoboard gives you a visual overview of the KPIs that you are tracking and helps with understanding the data.


One of the biggest time-wasters in any business is the endless number of meetings. They are often necessary, but they require a lot of energy and effort to make them worthwhile. Once again we are going to turn our attention to how applications can provide you with some assistance. Instead of booking meeting rooms and arranging a time around several schedules, you might want to consider using instant messaging dashboards like Microsoft Teams or Basecamp that allow you to create chat rooms that can be constantly active. That means eliminating large numbers of meetings while increasing the level of communications across teams, something that all companies should be happy to do.

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3 Thoughts to “How To Use Technology To Improve Business”

  1. […] they won’t have a good future ahead of them – the world is rapidly changing, and with the amount of technology being released on a daily basis, business is one of the fastest fields to […]

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