Planning Your Business Budget

Planning Your Business Budget | Converge

From home-based businesses to big nationwide organisations, one of the most important things business owners need to do is plan their budget effectively, and ensure that they keep it under control. This could mean everything from scaling back your everyday business costs to dealing with your taxes. The only trouble is that this is a lot easier said than done. Keeping that in mind, read on to discover some crucial advice…

Hire an accountant

The first thing you need to do is make sure you hire a top chartered accountant. A lot of business owners frown upon this suggestion because they view it as an unnecessary expense. They don’t want to spend money to keep their own finances in check. This is an understandable viewpoint, but did you know that SMEs are leaking billions every year because they are allowing unqualified staff to handle their finances? This is a startling statistic. However, if you have someone with no experience or qualifications handling your accounting, you are guaranteed to be leaking money, missing deadlines and failing to take advantage of tax breaks and such like.

So, how do you find the best accountant for your business? There are a few aspects you need to keep in mind. Firstly, you should go for a firm with a considerable amount of experience. Aside from this, it is a good idea to read reviews that have been left by previous clients to see what they have to say. If you come across negative comment after negative comment, you know to look elsewhere. It is also wise to search for fixed fee accounting services, as this makes it much more manageable financially.


Funding solutions

Not only should you look for an accountant when seeking to plan your budget, but you should consider alternative funding options too. There are numerous funding solutions for small businesses. One that has grown in popularity as of late is crowdfunding. There are various models, from peer-to-peer crowdfunding to equity crowdfunding, to donation crowdfunding. Each type of crowdfunding comes with particular risks, which is why it is important to evaluate everything before making a decision. This is something your accountant will be able to assist you with.


Everyday expenses

You also need to take a look at your everyday expenses when you are planning your budget. In fact, what’s the point in looking for ways to raise money if you are currently leaking it? There are different ways you can cut down the money you spend on a daily basis. After rent, one of the biggest expenses businesses have is energy, and this is definitely something you can cut down. You should set yourself energy targets per time of year but don’t skimp on backups like the service of generator installers because, if you do, your business could experience masses of downtime, costing way more money. You also need to ensure you file your tax returns correctly and on time so that you avoid penalties.  

To conclude, the importance of planning an effective budget and sticking to it cannot be ignored. There is a lot that goes into this, which is why it is always a good idea to seek professional assistance in the form of a top chartered accountant.


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