It’s no secret that our environment has a huge impact on our feelings and state of mind. In the last two years, you have probably have spent much more time in your home than ever have before, which, of course, can have some consequences on your mental health. In order to get yourself out of a bad headspace, one of the better things you can do is to redecorate.
Though simply moving things around and buying some new décor may help, there are some specific things you can do to change the overall aura of your place. So, if you’re interested, here are some tips on how to bring a smile to your face by experimenting with the interior design of your home.
Incorporate round shapes
The shape of our furniture can truly affect our well-being and emotions. For example, harsh lines and angular designs may have a more strict look which will, in turn, awake negative feelings. Contrarily, soft and round shapes have been associated with positive emotions such as happiness. It’s also thought that more rounded décor has a calming effect on our psyche, so if you’re dealing with anxiety, this may help alleviate your symptoms.
Therefore, round-shaped mirrors, spherical lamps, and curved décor may be a nice way to soften the look of your place and make it comfier and more inviting.

Greenery brings happiness
We are creatures of nature after all, no matter how hard we wish to escape that fact. Living simply and in tune with nature is one of the best ways to make your space more joyful. Bringing nature into your home is an easy task – just go out and buy some lovely houseplants. However, before you purchase the greenery, make sure to research the exact ways to take care of the plants.
You don’t want them wilting on you. If you don’t trust your ability to take care of another living being, then you should look into succulents and cacti, such as snake plants, for example. Plant lovers often joke that this plant can even survive in a wardrobe, so you’ll probably be able to take care of it even if you don’t have a green thumb.
Blue rugs will not make you feel blue
Even though the famous expression may suggest otherwise, blue is known to induce feelings of serenity and calm. If you’re having trouble sleeping, make sure to incorporate some light blue tones into your bedroom since it’s known to encourage quality shuteye. The easiest way to integrate blue into your life is by getting one of the soft rugs from Hong Kong with blue hues that will easily brighten every place.
Blue doesn’t have to stop there. If you’re feeling more adventurous, you may paint the walls, or maybe only one wall as an accent. However, if you think a paint job is a bit extreme or you’ve recently painted your walls, just add some blue accessories such as blue picture frames or cushions to match your new rug.

Natural light is important
Living in a home with little to no natural light can be quite depressing. Also, turning on the light during the day can leave you with very high utility bills. So, in order to improve both the functionality of your space and to enhance the way it makes you feel, make sure to move those heavy curtains.
The light will make you feel more awake and energetic throughout the day. If you live in the city and your apartment isn’t turned to the sunny side, there are also some things you can do. Mainly, don’t use cool lighting to illuminate your space. Make sure to only buy lightbulbs that are warm and emulate the look of natural light.
Don’t clutter your space
A clutter-free house is healthier for your body and mind since there are fewer items that collect dust and filth. Also, spotless rooms simply look better, so we hope that will motivate you to maintain your home’s cleanliness. Make sure to throw out all the items you don’t use regularly so they don’t take up space that you could have filled with items that actually make you happy.
Furthermore, there’s been some research indicating that cleaning and doing your chores is a great way to de-stress and alleviate bad feelings. Try to incorporate some basic home maintenance tasks into your everyday routine and check whether it has made you feel better.
Final thoughts
Making your home a happy place is one of the best gifts you can treat yourself with. From simple home décor ideas such as adding a touch of blue to your rooms to taking care of your space and cleaning it more occasionally, we hope that this article has helped bring some peaceful vibes into your living space.