Is Your Staff Safe?

As a small business owner or manager, you’ve got a lot to worry about. You need to ensure all elements of your business run smoothly, and one of the key ways to do this is by looking after your staff. A well-looked after team are happier. They’re productive, and they work hard. They are loyal, keen to improve their skills and happy to go the extra mile. There are many things that we can do to take care of our employees. We can offer them flexible working and spend time…

Running Your Online Business as Securely as Possible

Running Your Online Business as Securely as Possible | Business | Converge

More and more small business owners are turning to tech. This makes sense! Consumers are spending more and more time online and we need to reach out to them and cater to their preferences if we want them to hand over their hard earned cash in exchange for our goods. However, it’s important to remember that when you run your business online, you need to familiarise yourself with the various risks that exist out there on the web and that you protect yourself and your business from them as best…

Take Care of Your Profits, by Taking Care of Your Staff

Take Care of Your Profits, by Taking Care of Your Staff | Business | Converge

Making great business decisions when you have staff can seem a bit daunting. More so if you are a small business and have been burned in the past (feuds between employee and employer). It isn’t uncommon for there to be some bad blood in the early days of a startup, or indeed a little bit later one when you are in a growth period. You need to think about policies and procedures, how to protect your products, and protect your staff it can all be a bit of a headache.…