The Common Sports Injuries You Need To Watch Out For

The Common Sports Injuries You Need To Watch Out For | Sports | Converge

Even though playing sports is a really healthy way to keep fit, it can actually put us at risk of suffering from certain sports injuries. Many beginners to certain sports are at an increased risk of getting injured as they push themselves too far before their body is strong enough. But some pro sports players even suffer from various injuries if they fail to warm up or cool down correctly.

There’s no reason to worry too much if you do end up injured while playing sport. Resting the injured part can often clear up the injury. If that doesn’t seem to help, there are plenty of treatments that can help to speed up the healing process.

Here are some of the most common sports injuries that you need to watch out for.

Shin Splints

One of the biggest bain of all runners’ lives has to be shin splints. I’m sure that the majority of runners have suffered from these at some point or another. Shin splints is a catch-all term that refers to any pain in the lower leg. More often than not, it is caused by increasing mileage too quickly or wearing the wrong type of shoes. If you think that it’s your shoes, you will need to get your gait analyzed by a professional who can tell you what type of support you need in your running shoes.

Knee Injuries

There are various types of knee injuries that sporty people are susceptible to. In extreme cases, you might need to visit Michael J. Carlson, MD orthopedic surgeon, for help in fixing an injured kneecap or torn ligament. However, most of the time plenty of rest will be enough to heal your knee. You might also want to try icing the knee to try to reduce any pain and swelling.

Hamstring Strain

If you ever notice any pain or tightness at the back of your thigh, there’s a good chance that you’ve developed a hamstring injury. This can happen when you overwork or overstretch the muscle, which occasionally happens while out running or playing sports like football. Resting and icing the thigh can help speed up recovery, and it’s also worth doing some strength training once it’s fully healed. This should prevent another injury from occurring in the future.

Tennis Elbow

When it comes to sports that require the player to do a lot of gripping, such as tennis and golf, tennis elbow is a very common injury. The repetitive action of gripping the racket or club causes an overuse injury. You will notice that your hand, arm, and elbow look slightly inflamed and they could also be quite painful. If you think that you have tennis elbow, it’s a good idea to see your doctor so that they can prescribe you anti-inflammatory medication. They will also show you some stretches and other exercises that can help you strengthen the elbow to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Let’s hope you never suffer from any of these injuries!

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