What Is Physical Loss or Property Damage in an Insurance Claim?

Understanding Property Damage in an Insurance Claim Article originally appeared on LewisClaimSolutions.com. When you are looking at insurance claims and see the words “property loss” or “property damage” you may wonder what this implies and how it will affect future insurance claims. To keep it simple, for example, property liability is considered when the insured property is damaged by fire, water, or wind. These all result in a physical change or structural damage to that property. However, when, to the naked eye, the insured property’s structure is unaltered and the…

Protect Your Property: Dealing With The Damage from Winter

Protect Your Property: Dealing With The Damage from Winter | Lifestyle | Converge

After Christmas through to the springtime is never the nicest time of year. It’s cold and dull, the weather is terrible and it’s raining constantly. Not only does this cause accidents on the streets and roads, but it can also be bad for your home too. Here are some of the issues the wet winter weather can cause, and how to avoid them. Have the plumbing looked at Burst water pipes can be absolutely disastrous and cause all kinds of damage. From waterlogging, rot and bad smells to structural damage,…

The Essential Guide To Renovating Property As A Side Hustle

The Essential Guide To Renovating Property As A Side Hustle | Converge

Many would-be property developers refuse to resign from their full time jobs and launch headlong into a new career in real estate on a whim. They sensibly like to test the waters first, purchasing a fixer upper and doing it up in the evenings and at weekends. Learning the ropes this way means your social life will inevitably take a hit, but you won’t have to surrender your income and steady wage. Learning to renovate a property in the most cost efficient way isn’t easy. It can be all too…

5 Essential Insurance Tips for Tradies and Contractors

More than simply technical proficiency and hard labor are needed to successfully navigate the complex waters of the trades and contracting industries. It also calls for knowledge of the dangers and hazards that can jeopardize the viability of your company’s finances. This is where having a strong insurance strategy is essential. The fundamental fiber that keeps the company together in the face of difficulties is insurance, which is frequently ignored in day-to-day activities. Let’s learn more about it right now.  Identify your risks The first and most important step in making…

6 Modern Front Porch Design Tips for All Trendy Homeowners

Some people love that old-school house design with wooden fences and vintage entrances. But if you prefer something new and modern that will not only make you fall in love with your home all over again but also attract buyers in case you want to sell, you need to rethink your porch design.  Your porch is the first thing people see when they pass your house, stop next to it, or try to step inside, and it can set the happy tone for the rest of your space. So how…

5 Best Locations in European Countries to Invest in Vacation Rental Properties

Europe has always been a favorite travel destination, thanks to everything from the breathtaking Swiss Alps to the romantic cruises through Venice’s canals. With so many stunning places to pick from, including Rome, Barcelona, Paris, and Berlin, it’s understandable why people would want to own vacation rental properties in Europe. So, if you’re interested in investing in vacation rental properties, here are some of the best locations in European countries to help you make a perfect choice. Naples, Italy All of Italy is surely among the most popular travel destinations…

7 Essential Tips for a Successful Commercial Exterior and Facade Renovation

One of the easiest ways to boost the value of your commercial property is to renovate the exterior and the facade. This comes in the form of making several useful adjustments that will give a completely new look to the same building. This might seem like a challenging task, when in fact it is just a matter of making a few good design choices that are going to be highly practical as well. Not only will making this renovation attract new people but it will keep the building safe as…

5 Breathtaking Destinations on the Southern Coast of Australia

If you constantly feel the pull of the ocean and can’t stay away for too long, then you’ll love southern Australia and its many coastal gems. Some of the best spots on the country’s southern coast are very popular while others might be a better-guided secret, but nonetheless, they are all equally breathtaking. If you’re planning a trip to the region, here are the (mainly coastal) locations you simply must put on your itinerary:  Head of Bight  This must-see spot in Australia is great for all nature lovers. Head of…

5 Ways Real Estate Agents Use Video to Sell House Very Fast

real estate

Using videos can help you stand out as a real estate agent from other realtors. It will also help you build better relations with prospective buyers and sellers, ultimately enabling you to close deals faster than your competitors. Many real estate agents doubt whether posting videos can really sell the house faster. So, does it?  The answer is yes. We can observe that videos get 300% more traffic for generating leads and 400% more inquiries. Video production and optimization can be the key to getting more traffic to your site,…

Hairline Cracking Within Concrete Block Walls — What You Need to Know

Cracks in Concrete Walls Can Be Very Serious Article originally appeared on LewisClaimSolutions.com. Cracks in your concrete walls of your foundation or in the walls of your home can become very hazardous over time. If you have ever noticed cracks in concrete block walls in your home, then you may have asked yourself if it is something you need to be concerned about and whether or not you need to consider repair costs in the immediate future. This is something many people with homes that have visible concrete block walls have…