Protect Your Property: Dealing With The Damage from Winter

Protect Your Property: Dealing With The Damage from Winter | Lifestyle | Converge

After Christmas through to the springtime is never the nicest time of year. It’s cold and dull, the weather is terrible and it’s raining constantly. Not only does this cause accidents on the streets and roads, but it can also be bad for your home too. Here are some of the issues the wet winter weather can cause, and how to avoid them.

Have the plumbing looked at

Burst water pipes can be absolutely disastrous and cause all kinds of damage. From waterlogging, rot and bad smells to structural damage, ruined possessions and so much more- especially if the leak is bad and isn’t resolved right away (for example, it happens when you’re not at home). Cold weather is a cause of burst pipes as the freezing weather causes them to constantly expand and contract. In time, it can cause splits and eventually the water comes pouring out. Have your pipes checked by a professional if it’s been some time since they were looked at. Ask them to insulate the ones that are most at risk, this is an easy job and just involves covering them with an insulating foam sleeve.

Check your roof

Loose tiles can come off in windy weather, and once they do it leaves you vulnerable to leaks. The problem is, these leaks aren’t always apparent until severe damage has been done, as the water leaks through to the attic first and causes rot and mould until it’s finally spotted downstairs. If you have a ladder that’s tall enough (or a drone!) you can have a look yourself at the condition of your roof. If not, a local handyman will be able to do the job, or you could call in a roofing company. Look out for any tiles that have slipped or look loose, or are missing completely.

Damp proof your home

One major issue that older properties especially can face is rising damp. Here, you’ll notice the walls getting wet (especially after wet weather) and it will rise to no higher than a metre up the walls. This can cause issues with mould and can also destroy your decor as it causes paint to discolour and wallpaper to peel. It’s a sign that something is going on in your home that needs to be fixed. Have a damp proofing course completed, or look into a GRP lining contractor who are able to completely waterproof concrete surfaces.

Clear Your Gutters

During the autumn fallen leaves can block gutters, and then when the rain hits it causes them to overflow. This can cause staining and damage to your rendering or brickwork, and can also cause leaks and damp in the home- since the water can permeate the wall. If you haven’t already this winter, clear them out. Use a pair of gardening gloves and scoop out all of the gunk- if you don’t have the stomach for it, call a professional in to do the job.

Are you prepared for the rest of the cold rainy weather?

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One Thought to “Protect Your Property: Dealing With The Damage from Winter”

  1. […] during the winter months. People are less likely to make changes, decorate or take on big projects because of the weather, the time of year and also the finances feeling a little tight thanks to Christmas and January, […]

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