Green Your Business: Simple Strategies To Make Your Company More Eco-Friendly

Green Your Business: Simple Strategies To Make Your Company More Eco-Friendly | Business | Converge

We all share this earth, whether as individuals or businesses looking to be profitable. Therefore we all have a responsibility to take care of this valuable and life-giving resource. Happily, there are several simple ways that you can make a significant positive difference to the environment by how you run your business. A topic you can read more about below.

Reward employees for carpooling.

First off, how about extra rewards for your employees if they choose to bike, walk or carpool to work? Yes, it may seem like only a small thing, but it will really add up over time and minimize their use of fossil fuels.

Alternatively, you may opt to allow employees to work from home as much as possible. Something that can reduce the amount of fuel being used to get them into work, as well as help to preserve other resources such as heat, light, and water at your work premises too. In fact, remote working is not only great for the environment but can be fantastic for your business’s finances as well.

Don’t forget either, that you can make your business greener by minimizing any business trips, especially those that are just for meetings. After all, a video conference can work equally as well and will negate the need for a cross country journey or even a return flight and the fuel that these use up.

Make your equipment as green as possible.

Next, you can make a large positive difference to the environmental effect your business has by ensuring that the equipment you use is as green as possible. Of course, to do this, you will need to ensure that anything from the office photocopier and air conditioners, to the larger pieces of manufacturing machinery, are correctly maintained and run as effectively as possible.

In fact, one smart way of doing this is to switch to roller screw actuators in your heavier machinery, as these can help them to work in a much more efficient way. Something that can help to save a great deal of energy from buying used unnecessarily, and therefore will help to make your business greener.

Preserve resources.

Remember too that sensible use of resources within your firm can help make it much greener as well. In fact, simple changes such as using solar energy to heat water rather than electricity from the grid, as well as installing motion sensors in buildings to trigger light and heat can save a great deal of energy. This being something that can not just lower your businesses overheads but your carbon footprint as well.

Plant trees to offset your carbon footprint.

Finally, there is one last thing that you can do to make your business a greener one. It’s planting trees to offset your carbon footprint.

What this means is for those rare occasions where a video conference call simply won’t do, or you have to use more energy than usual because you need to run overtime, the damage to the environment can be, at least in part mitigated. Something that will help you business be as green as it can be.

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