On and Off Site Online Marketing Explained

Online marketing is an essential part of any businesses success strategy. After all, it is designed to let the right people find your business and website, without which your company will inevitably struggle. However, what many people don’t realize is that there are different types of online marketing to be aware of. (Types that can be broadly divided into two main categories: onsite and offsite.) Happily, you can find out more about the different sorts in the post below.


Titles and categories

Onsite marketing relates to the strategies that are based directly on a page of your website, and that can help to increase the number of visitors that you get.

The first of these to consider is how you word your page titles and categories. In fact, this is crucial if you want to maximize your incoming traffic because it is these terms that search engine bots pick up on and use to rank the relevance of your site.

Therefore if you want to optimize your search engine placement, it’s crucial that you think carefully about the wording on your site. Both regarding the categories and the titles because these absolutely need to be as related to what your demographic will be looking for as possible.

Luckily, if doing so sounds a bit over complicated or your not quite sure how it all works you can contact specialists like seoexplode.com to help you. Something that means you have the best chance of optimizing your place in online search results, and so should benefit from the additional traffic this brings in.


The next big thing when marketing your site online are geotags, something you can get a description of at fortune.com. In fact, these work in a similar way to title and categories as they make it easier for the search engine to pick out your website as being relevant to what the customer is searching for.
On and Off Site Online Marketing Explained

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In fact, as you can read about at support.google.com, Google has recently had an update that prioritizes sites with geotags both on location and non-location searches. This being a valuable piece of info for anyone looking to get to that first page and to harvest the increase in traffic it can provide.


One of the most essential online marketing techniques that your business has at its disposal is the content that you display on your sites. We’re not just talking about the product descriptions or your brand story here, but the blog posts, news articles, videos, and information that you produce to be consumed by potential customers.

After all, as hive180.com suggests the key here is to provide varied content, that is being updated continuously, and that engages your audience. Of course, to do this, you must give the customers something that they value such as advice, information, and even entertainment. You can even think of such content as a trade that you make with the consumer for their time and their exposure to your marketing messages.

This being something that can not only help to lodge your brand in their mind when it comes to the field that you are working in but also create the basis of a positive relationship with can be later leveraged into giving you the edge over your competitors as well.

After all, where are they most likely to go? To a brand they have never heard of, or to a brand that they are already familiar with and that they already see positively because they have provided them with information and entertainment?


There are also online marketing tactics that you can use to boost the traffic that your site gets that aren’t based directly on your pages. These are known as offsite strategies and work by using other people’s blogs and websites to link back to your webpage. Something you can find out more about below.


The idea behind backlinks is that the original link is on a site that doesn’t belong to your business but leads potential customers back to your website through a hyperlink. In fact, there are all sorts of ways of doing this including getting links embedded in content displayed on another organization’s or person’s site or blog, paying for banner or social media advertising, or even creating videos that can be watched on Youtube.

Of course, the value in backlinks isn’t just that they direct potential customers back to your official site, but that they are also picked up on as a part of SEO. What that means is a business with many reliable backlinks is likely to be much higher up in the search engine ranking than one without, almost guaranteeing an increase in traffic.  

Unfortunately, with most of these methods, there is usually a fee involved, either for the creation of the advert or banner, see dummies.com for rough costs, as well  the hosting of it and even for the creation and hosting of content on other people websites. However, many businesses feel that what they gain by using these offsite techniques is enough to warrant their costs. In fact, compared to traditional marketing techniques such approaches are often much more cost effective when you compare them to the positive effect they have on increasing website traffic.

Guest blogging

Finally, a much less discussed method of offsite online marketing is finding other sites where someone from your business can write news articles and posts. This is, of course, know as guest blogging and it can be an advantageous way of directing the followers and readers on the site you guest on back to your website.

Of course, for this to be as effective as possible it vital that you target sites that share a similar demographic to your brand. Otherwise, you won’t be getting the right type of visitors to your site so the traffic figures may go up, but your sale won’t necessarily follow.

To that end, when looking at guest blogging as an offsite strategy that you want to try, it’s worth doing some in-depth research about the audience that potential host sites are appealing to, a topic that is discussed in detail at idesigncollaborative.com. If you want to maximize your chance of increasing the traffic to your own website, that is?

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