What To Expect From Your Doctor

What To Expect From Your Doctor | Health | Converge

Do you ever avoid making an appointment at your clinic because you assume that you won’t be able to get the help you need, or have you ever left a doctor’s office feeling like you didn’t really get the answers you wanted or the standard of care you deserved? Many people are apprehensive about seeing a doctor, and sometimes, this stems from expectations, which may or may not be unrealistic. If you’re not sure what should really happen at an appointment, or you feel like your doctor has let you down, it can be useful to think about what you should expect from your doctor.


Time, or more accurately, a lack of time, is a constant pressure for many health professionals. The demand for treatment is increasing all the time, and this often means that doctors have small windows to see patients. That said, as a patient, you should be given sufficient time to explain your symptoms and to undergo examinations that may provide answers. If you have a short appointment, and there isn’t enough time to delve deeper, your doctor should advise you to make another appointment. In some cases, if they feel that you would benefit from help from professionals with certain areas of expertise, they may refer you to a specialist. It’s important that patients are given sufficient time, but it’s also crucial that patients understand that doctors have schedules too and they often have to prioritize patients that need urgent assistance.

Clinical expertise

Doctors study for many years and undergo on the job training over the course of a prolonged period of time to gain clinical expertise. If you’re booked in for a procedure, you should be able to rest assured that your doctor has the necessary skills and level of expertise to undertake that operation. There are always risks involved with surgical procedures, and you should be made aware of side-effects and potential complications. If your doctor has tried their best and a procedure hasn’t been effective, it may be that your condition or your injury can only be managed, rather than cured. However, if you feel that there was an error, or that you were treated by a doctor that didn’t have the relevant experience, you may be considering a medical malpractice claim, and you can call this lawyer to find out more. It’s essential to realize that doctors are humans, and everyone makes mistakes, but if you feel that you’ve been wronged, you have a right to ask questions.


Most people only see a doctor when they’re unwell or they need advice or help. As a patient, you can expect a doctor to act on the information you provide and the data collated from examinations and tests. If you explain your symptoms, your doctor will usually carry out some tests, make a diagnosis, and suggest some treatment options. If you don’t agree with the diagnosis, or you feel like your doctor could do more to help you, you could consider seeking a second opinion. Sometimes, doctors adopt a policy of watchful waiting, which involves taking time to see if symptoms develop or subside before intervening. If this is the case, this should be explained to you.

As a patient, you should expect a certain standard of care and compassion, but it is helpful to remember that doctors are humans too.

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