Keeping Your Employees Safe in the Workplace

Keeping Your Employees Safe in the Workplace | Business | Converge

As an employer, you are someone that is responsible for the wellbeing and safety of your employees. Depending on the industry in which you work, it may be a really obvious thing. If your team have to deal with chemicals or handle machinery, making sure that they are trained and educated with what they need to do is really important and something you will have already done. But for some employers, they think that just pointing out where the fire exits are and where the escape route is, is enough.…

Succeeding As A Law Firm In 2019

Succeeding As A Law Firm In 2019 | Business | Converge

In the business world, industries are always changing. And in no industry is this truer than the legal industry. Laws are created and amended with every passing day, no matter the niche in which you operate. You need to work hard to keep up with the times. This doesn’t just apply to the legal work involved in running such a business, of course. These are the things that need to be considered in order to succeed as a law firm in 2019. Your clients. Yes, customer satisfaction is important in…

Easy Ways to Be Happier

Happiness is something that most of us are striving for. Many of us are guilty of saying “I’ll be happy when…” we think we’ll be happy when we’ve got married or had a child. We think we’ll be happy when our finances are better. We’ll be happier when we’ve bought a house or finished some home improvements. You might think that you’ll be happier when you’ve got the chance to take some time off work. But, you might find that there is always something else. As soon as that mystical…

Branching Out On Your Own Needn’t Be Lonely

Branching Out On Your Own Needn't Be Lonely | Entrepreneurship | Converge

If you’re finally launching your very own startup after years of procrastination, you are probably excited yet terrified. You can’t wait to be your own boss, answer to no one, and make a name for yourself within your chosen industry. But, you are probably equally worried about the lack of buzz within your home office, you’ll miss the camaraderie of your colleagues, and generally worry about feeling a little bit lonely. Striking out on your own inevitably results in an anticlimax when you stroll into your home office in your…

How to Travel in Style

How to Travel in Style | Travel | How-To | Converge

Are you tired of the boring aspects of travel? The airport queues, the public transport, the discomfort of the whole situation. These are all things that we have to deal with when travelling, but do we really have to? It’s possible to travel in style if you plan ahead and are prepared to pay the money to make it happen. You might not be able to travel this way all the time but doing it once is fun and it’ll take the hard work out of traveling. Let Someone Else…

The Dos And Don’ts Of Good Fleet Management

The Dos And Don'ts Of Good Fleet Management | Business | Converge

Managing a whole fleet of drivers can be a tricky job, even for the most specialized of fleet managers. Thankfully, though, there are plenty of tricks of the trade that can keep you right in this job. As long as you follow these useful dos and don’ts, you should find that managing your fleet, no matter how big it may be, becomes a walk in the park. Do Establish Processes One of the first things that you need to do is make sure that there are some efficient processes in…

Keeping Startup Costs In Order

Keeping Startup Costs In Order | Entrepreneurship | Converge

Prioritize There can be so many things to have to pay for in the early days, and the list of things that you need to pay for can quickly grow and grow. You need to make sure that you are prioritizing what you need to pay for, otherwise you can miss things and it can be easily overlooked. Think of the main expenses that you know about, and then consider some potential expenses and their costs. Then go through the list and see what can be cut back on or…

The Benefits Of Building A Remote Team

The Benefits Of Building A Remote Team | Business | Converge

When it comes to growing your business, it’s a fact that growing a team or at least outsourcing the tasks that you are not able to do or don’t enjoy doing is one of the fastest and best ways to grow and scale your business. However, times are definitely changing with regards to business and it’s no longer a requirement that you have to have everything kept in-house is – especially not with things like the internet and video conferencing making it easier to work with people from all over…

How To Make Running A Business Easier

How To Make Running A Business Easier | Business | Converge

Whilst a lot of people think running your own business is easy as you’re in complete control of your working hours, they don’t actually realise how much hard work it takes to have a successful business that is profitable each and every month. There are so many different things that happen behind the scenes that make running a business difficult, but what people don’t often mention is that there are also lots of ways to make your life run a lot smoother. With that in mind, here are 6 ways…

5 Ways To Keep Your Business Safer

5 Ways To Keep Your Business Safer

It’s much more enjoyable to focus on the positive sides of business. The people you’re able to help, the team of staff you’re able to create, the ideas you’re able to bring to life. Alas, it’s important to keep in mind that there is another, darker side of business, too. There, people aren’t the supportive type who’ll help you to grow your business: they’re the type who want to hurt your business. Even if things aren’t always that sinister, it’s important to be aware of the threats to your business.…