3 Plumbing Issues You Don’t Need To Call The Professionals For

3 Plumbing Issues You Don't Need To Call The Professionals For | Lifestyle | Converge

Plumbing problems are part and parcel of owning a home. They rear their ugly heads every so often, and, unfortunately, more often than not, having them fixed can be expensive – especially if you call a plumber instead of sorting them out yourself.

Obviously, not ALL plumbing issues can be fixed without calling out a professional, but you would be surprised at just how many can. We don’t recommend installing or cleaning your own septic tank, for example – that’s a job better left to someone like Foothill Sanitary, but simple issues such as washing machines not draining or a leaky faucet can often be fixed with just a little bit of DIY and a YouTube tutorial. 

If you are in doubt whether you can carry out plumbing related DIY, seek the advice of the professionals, but here are just a few simple plumbing jobs that you can usually do yourself.

1: Blocked drains

This is one of the most common plumbing issues, and it’s also one that is generally very easy to rectify, saving you both time and money in calling out a plumber.

Prevention is always better than cure, so don’t pour anything down that your sink that is not a liquid, using a sinkhole guard and not flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper down the toilet.

If you have got a blocked drain and the debris is not too deep down the pipe, a plunger will usually do the job. For blockages a little further down, drain rods should do the trick. Avoid using strong, harsh chemicals as these can cause damage to your pipes.  

2: A Leaking Faucet

Fixing these depends on the type of faucet that you have. If it is something as simple as a slight drip, this can usually be fixed by replacing the washer, and there are plenty of guides available online and YouTube videos which can take you through doing this. Make sure you always turn the water off before fixing a leaky faucet though, as the last thing you want to do is flood your home!

3: Low Water Pressure 

Low water pressure is another common household plumbing problem and can be incredibly annoying. If it is happening throughout your entire house, you may be looking at a larger scale issue, for example, a build-up of sediment in your pipes which need professional help.

However, if it is just one faucet or showerhead which has low water pressure, then this is something which can usually be fixed quite easily. The most common cause of it is clogged aerator, which can be fixed by removing the clogged aerator from the faucet and then rinsing it under clean water to remove any debris.  

Plumbing issues come with owning a home; there is no way to avoid them. Most of the time, simple plumbing issues can be fixed by the homeowner with some simple DIY. However, you should always consider whether you can fix a plumbing problem yourself before you call out the professionals, as this can save you serious amounts of cash! 

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