8 Noise Protection Tips For Industrial Workers

8 Noise Protection Tips For Industrial Workers | Converge

Noise is the most common cause of hearing impairment in industrial workers. It is categorized into two types: sudden loud noise and prolonged noise. Both pose a risk to the hearing of workers, especially if proper precautions aren’t made.

If you work in an environment with constant or acute noise above 115 decibels, here are effective ways you can protect your hearing:

1. Wear your PPE

High-quality industrial ear plugs or ear muffs are part of your PPE for a reason. They protect your hearing from the acute or constant noise and reduce your chances of developing an impairment. That said, wear your PPE at all times, even during your break, as long as you’re within range of loud noises.

2. Reduce noise in the facility

Management should take extra steps to reduce noise in the working facility. Here are some of the most effective ways to do that:

  • Install mufflers on loud machines to reduce the noise they make
  • Replace old machines if they are making too much noise
  • Install noise-absorbing panels to eliminate echoes from bouncing around the facility
  • Place sources of noise away from high-traffic areas
  • Prevent metal-on-metal impact as much as possible
  • Silence nozzles and air exhausts
  • Place barricades around noise-making machines
  • Erect screens or barriers to block or mute sound

3. Maintain machines regularly

When machines are poorly maintained, their moving and motorized parts are more likely to make noise. To avoid this, maintain machines regularly not only to reduce noise, but also to ensure that they are performing at their best.

4. Limit time spent in noisy areas

As much as possible, workers should be kept away from areas with a constant and loud noise. If they must work in a high-noise environment, the time spent should be limited to 2-4 hours at a time or less.

5. Wear in-ear headphones

When you are listening to music while working, wear in-ear earphones to block the sound coming from your surroundings. In this way, you won’t have to turn up the volume to hear your music.

6. Follow the 60-60 rule

The 60-60 rule states that you should only listen to music at 60% volume for 60 minutes at a time. Giving your ears a break can help protect your hearing, especially in environments with constant noise, whether loud or not.

7. Avoid areas with acute noise

Avoid staying in areas where the possibility of hearing acute loud noises is high. Examples of acute noises include gunshots, metal-on-metal impacts, heavy objects dropping, and sudden machine bolts or pops.

8. Make administrative changes

For people in administrative positions, you can reduce noise exposure in the workplace by employing the following strategies:

  • Using noisy machines during shifts where fewer workers are present
  • Establishing a noise-free area where workers can rest
  • Limiting workers’ time spent near or with a source of noise
  • Following proper noise distances

Hearing loss is one of the most common occupational hazards that industrial workers face every day. But with the right measures, you can protect your hearing effectively against acute and constant noise.

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