Achieve a Radiant Smile With Invisalign

Achieve a Radiant Smile With Invisalign | Health | Converge

Our lives are so busy and stressful that our teeth often take the back burner. How do you find the time to visit the dentist or the orthodontist when you barely have time for lunch between meetings or picking up your children from school?

We do not prioritise our teeth and yet feel insecure about their appearance. We hide our smiles and cover our mouths when we laugh to avoid the word’s judgement about our crooked and unsightly teeth. 

Invisalign in Luton requires no frequent visits to the orthodontist’s clinic, nor does it require you to spend more time than you need to clean your teeth.

Enjoy all of the perks of having straight teeth, without having to put up with high-maintenance metal braces to get there.   

What is different about Invisalign in Luton?

Invisalign incorporates multiple aligner trays into your treatment. These trays are transparent in their appearance, which makes them less daunting for the user knowing that no one else has the slightest clue that they are wearing them. As a professional in a corporate environment, you can uphold your image while enjoying life with straighter teeth. 

They are, for the most part, comfortable to wear. Your aligner trays are custom-made to fit your mouth using advanced technology. Your teeth might feel sensitive initially as they are pulled into place, but that feeling will not last. You will also not be inconvenienced by an ill-fitting tray that dislodges at random, causing you embarrassment. 

Can I kiss another person while wearing braces?

This might seem like a strange question for some, but no doubt, one that you may have considered. 

Whether you are a teenager or a more senior adult, showing your affection through kissing is essential in a relationship, but a task that is made harder with ordinary braces. Your metal might scrape the lips or gums of your loved one, for example, which is no comfortable experience for anyone. 

You will not have these problems when sporting an Invisalign retainer, enjoy all the sloppy kisses you want.

Can I stick to the same diet as before

Achieve a Radiant Smile With Invisalign | Health | Converge

You already know that a diet comprising of sugar and takeaways is not suitable for your general health or your oral health. 

That said, while straightening your teeth with Invisalign, you do not need to cut out certain foods altogether. The removable nature of your aligner allows you to enjoy eating brace free – you do not have to worry about the effects that a hard apple has on your teeth, nor should you worry about tea and coffee causing permanent stains. 

Give your teeth a proper clean after eating and drinking. Not doing so allows bacteria to accumulate, causing you more significant problems than misaligned teeth. At the same time, onlookers will clearly see when your aligner is grimy and dirty, which defeats the purpose of opting for Invisalign in the first place.   

 If you prefer an orthodontic device that is discreet, aesthetically pleasing and easy to wear, consider Invisalign where the road to straight teeth is metal-free!

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