Approaching a mask-free society with a straighter smile

Six Month Smiles, how can it help?

A perfectly straight smile is a naturally rare occurrence, and therefore, with misalignment of the teeth being a common dental issue, it is no wonder that a variety of dental solutions throughout history have been created.

Whilst past treatments have paid little attention to the cosmetic implications of the treatment, using advances within modern technology and knowledge, the cosmetic appearance along with the effectiveness of the treatment have continued to develop resulting in a variety of braces Liverpool

Using the effectiveness of the traditional brace method and creating tooth coloured brackets and wires, Six Month Smiles has established an highly effective and cosmetically appealing tooth realignment method to suit adults and teenagers who may need help straightening their smile, without impacting their self-esteem. 

What to expect during the straightening process

As with a large majority of dental treatments and procedures, before deciding upon one treatment plan a variety of options will be presented to the patient after a thorough examination of the teeth, mouth and gums has taken place.

This examination will help the dental team to narrow down the suitable options for an individual’s case, saving time on getting a treatment plan in place. After all, no one wants to know about solutions that are not possible for themselves. 

Once the decision has been made to follow this tooth realignment treatment, an appointment will be made.

The appointment will last around an hour, and in this time the brackets will be bonded to the teeth and the tooth coloured wires connected and tightened.

The moving process then gets to work whilst fitting around your daily life. Aside from monthly check-up and adjustment appointments, daily life can resume the minute the brace is applied.  

During the first month you will adjust to wearing the brace whilst allowing it to move your teeth gradually into a new position.

It will then be time for a check-up to make any necessary adjustments to the brace so as to continue the development of your smile. 

By month five, not only will wearing the equipment be second nature, but the straightening process in most cases will be almost at an end and in just one more month, the brace will be removed revealing a straighter and potentially more confident smile. 

Choosing your treatment plan with the help of your dentist

WIth a variety of tooth realignment options available to everyone, it can be a hard decision to narrow down which treatment is right for you.

This is where working as a team with your dentist is vital.

Using their expertise along with understanding what options you would prefer will enable you to come up with a dental plan to suit your daily life and needs.

After all, it is all about working with you to get the desired results and maintaining them in the long term.

Financially viable

As with all treatments and procedures, a vast amount of consideration needs to be given around the financial impact of the process.

It is therefore beneficial to know that Six Month Smiles is one of the more cost effective realignment treatments available to patients and therefore before making a decision ensure that a discussion with your dental practice takes place. 

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