You or your partner expecting a baby? Ways to maintain top oral health during those 9 months

You or your partner expecting a baby? Ways to maintain top oral health during those 9 months | Converge

Expecting a baby? Congratulations! The next 9 months are undoubtedly going to be an exciting time in both your and your partner’s life and thinking about your teeth is probably going to be the last thing on your mind. A well known fact among dental professionals is that, during the 9 months that either you or your partner are carrying your child, the body will undergo enormous hormonal changes, to ensure that your baby is born healthy and well. Unfortunately, these changes may not only impact on the skin and…

Want to impress your boss ahead of that promotion? Four reasons to invest in your smile!

Want to impress your boss ahead of that promotion? Four reasons to invest in your smile! | Converge

Want to get ahead in your career? Of course, you do! While there are many ways you can create a better image of yourself in the workplace, such as getting a new hairstyle or investing in a new wardrobe, potentially one of the best ways you can make yourself more noticeable to your boss is by smiling more. It’s true! Smiling not only makes you look more friendly, but it also displays confidence, which is what most employers want in the person they are going to promote. But, if you…

Are you scared of the dentist? Here are some common techniques used in dental surgeries to calm your nerves

Are you scared of the dentist? Here are some common techniques used in dental surgeries to calm your nerves | Converge

Whether you are new to an area or have lived there for a while, if the thought of attending a dental appointment sends you into a cold sweat, you will need to find a dental professional who is understanding and compassionate. Dental phobia is incredibly common and while it can feel isolating, it is important that those who would rather go skydiving than attend a check-up know that many dental surgeries are able to offer anxiety reducing techniques during procedures. The days of getting a lecture from your dentist in…

Need straighter teeth in a hurry? Six reasons to choose Six Month Smiles braces

Need straighter teeth in a hurry? Six reasons to choose Six Month Smiles braces | Converge

It may seem odd to consider the advantages of any kind of brace or aligner. Of course, in the long term, you get a straighter, healthier looking smile but in the short term, is there really anything good about them? When most people think of the word brace, they immediately picture the traditional, metal orthodontic aligner. Let’s face it, that brace is far from flattering although it is highly effective. If you are an adult with misaligned teeth, this style of brace is probably going to be the lowest on…

What kinds of results can dentists provide for their patients?

What kinds of results can dentists provide for their patients? | Converge

Enjoying a healthy and beautiful smile is something that modern technology is allowing professional oral healthcare providers to give to their patients. This technology is improving constantly and this access to better resources and materials enables dentists to be able to provide their patients with a better standard of care than was known in previous decades. An added benefit is that dentists are no longer needing to depend on other companies as often to supply materials or create dental fittings, which means that the waiting periods that patients once had…

Uncover the importance of dental implants in Windsor

Uncover the importance of dental implants in Windsor | Converge

Smilies across the nation Across Britain, there has been an overall increase in recent years in the amount of patients seeking cosmetic dentistry solutions to improve their overall dental wellbeing and boost the aesthetics of their smiles. There are many reasons behind this, including the rise in engagement with social media, as well as the smiles that are presented to us through various media and television platforms.  Whatever the rationale behind the increase is, the results are the same. Record amounts of Britons are seeking cosmetic dentistry, including dental implants…

Uncover the hidden wonders of clear braces in Birmingham

Uncover the hidden wonders of clear braces in Birmingham | Converge

Aligned with the times Historically, getting braces was often the cause of a great deal of anxiety and stress for those told they had to have them. Many patients, especially younger ones, dreaded the fateful day when their braces would be installed, due to fears of how the treatment would affect their outward appearance. This often led to those who required orthodontic treatment avoiding seeking it, which, in turn, often led to their teeth developing poorly or crookedly. Today however, there are record numbers of people – from all age…

Uncover the true potential of your smile through a quality, reliable dentist in Richmond

Uncover the true potential of your smile through a quality, reliable dentist in Richmond | Converge

Rising smiles across the nation Across the country, there are record amounts of people of all ages who are increasingly seeking out the services of a quality, trustworthy and reputable dentist in Richmond, to boost their overall oral health and achieve a healthier looking and longer-lasting smile. Speculation over the reasoning behind this recent spike in dental engagement is generally attributed to the smiles of celebrities, movie stars and musicians constantly in the limelight. These are thought to be having a knock-on effect in pushing those who require treatment to…

Want to get straighter teeth as an adult? Ask your dentist about invisible braces today!

Want to get straighter teeth as an adult? Ask your dentist about invisible braces today! | Converge

In the adult world, a great deal of the day-to-day interactions are based on appearances. Business people look professional and in control in their tailored suits, vets look experienced and clinical in their medical tabards. You wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving your hard-earned money with a business owner who was in scruffy jeans and a leather jacket, would you? Therefore, many adults cringe when they are asked to envision wearing braces; traditional braces are large, metal and far from discreet. Most adults would prefer to live with their misaligned or asymmetrical…

Want to know if invisible braces are for you? 5 advantages of the treatment as an adult

Want to know if invisible braces are for you? 5 advantages of the treatment as an adult | Converge

Unless you have trained specifically in orthodontics, navigating it can feel like a bit of a minefield. In modern dental practice, there are numerous different types of braces available and of course, unless you know the difference between type A and type B, they can all appear to be exactly the same. With more adults approaching their dental professionals for orthodontic treatment, the variety of available treatments has widened and now, many dental surgeries are able to offer more advanced and discreet braces; perfectly aligned to adult life, so to…