Want to impress your boss ahead of that promotion? Four reasons to invest in your smile!

Want to impress your boss ahead of that promotion? Four reasons to invest in your smile! | Converge

Want to get ahead in your career? Of course, you do!

While there are many ways you can create a better image of yourself in the workplace, such as getting a new hairstyle or investing in a new wardrobe, potentially one of the best ways you can make yourself more noticeable to your boss is by smiling more.

It’s true! Smiling not only makes you look more friendly, but it also displays confidence, which is what most employers want in the person they are going to promote. But, if you have a slightly misaligned smile or have gaps in your teeth, you may be less likely to be smiling a lot, which can damage your career prospects.

So, what can you do? Luckily, modern dentistry is full of cosmetic options to fill those gaps and straighten that smile, so while you are counting the cost of buying that new suit, you may want to consider visiting a cosmetic dentist too, such as the cosmetic team at High Dental Implants Melbourne.

Why should you invest in your smile?

Smiles build self-esteem

Want to impress your boss ahead of that promotion? Four reasons to invest in your smile! | Converge

There is truth to the ‘fake it until you make it’ saying.

Smiling is a natural act, which releases neurotransmitter dopamine; this chemical creates a feel-good feedback loop, meaning you are more clear-headed and have overall higher levels of self-esteem. Of course, if you are self-conscious about your smile, it can be detrimental to your self-esteem and can cost you that upcoming promotion you deserve!

Smiles earn trust

Do you work for a company that regularly holds meetings with other firms?

Research generally has shown that in such boardroom settings, a higher percentage of people are more likely to trust someone who has a nice smile. While many people have been told that success in a meeting is down to the suit, watch or even shoes they are wearing, their smile can have more of an impact than anything else!

Poor smiles can be deal-breakers

In a similar vein, a healthy, white, straight smile is usually an indicator of overall health.

The reality is, that if you have a clean smile, your oral health is more likely to be in top shape; this is important as many people have stated that they found poorly maintained smiles and bad breath a deal-breaker.

It is therefore wise to invest in your smile, to ensure you are making the right impression on your colleagues, your boss and any potential clients you may have!

Smiles win clients

Are you self-employed and want to gain clients?

Fortunately, most client hunting is done online but if your potential client wants a Skype chat or any other kind of video call, you will inevitably have to show your smile and teeth. Once again, it is generally felt while the whole experience is usually paramount to gaining clients, coming in a close second is overall appearance and smiling; people are very possibly more likely to hire those who have the straightest, whitest teeth.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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