Data Farm: The Tech Behind Modern Agriculture

Data Farm: The Tech Behind Modern Agriculture

Looking around most public places, you will see technology everywhere. People carry smartphones with them wherever they go, CCTV watches over communities and keeps them safe, and the sorts of devices you come across are always evolving. When it comes to farming, though, most people don’t have much of an idea of what goes into this field. Instead, it’s much more common to simply enjoy the produce which comes from it. With agriculture on the cutting edge, it makes sense to keep an eye on this area, as the tech you find may very well end up in your hands in the near future.


Self-driving cars have made the news a lot over the last few years, but most of the public examples of it are either severely limited or have had troubling issues. When you’re working in fields, though, you don’t have to deal with the same issues which are found on roads, making automated tractors and other machinery make a lot of sense. Being guided by GPS signals and physical markers, using a method like this can save a farmer a fortune, as they no longer have to leave a capable worker doing something for hours on end. There are some indoor farms which take this even further, with almost every stage of the process being automated.


Being limited by the land around you is a horrible spot to be in as a farmer. People in this field have to work with the most profitable plants they can, often changing their approach year by year. If the only options are bad at growing in their soil, though, they will struggle to get by. Nowadays, there are loads of companies offering excellent agronomy services. Using a business like this will give you access to seeds which have been prepared for difficult environments. Selective breeding is fairly easy with plants, but it makes the process go far faster if you’re able to skip this work yourself.

Covering Ground

For a farm to be able to make enough money, it will usually have to be a very large area. Giving the farmer space for all of the plants they want, along with enabling them to cycle through fields to avoid damaging their land. Being able to cover this sort of distance when they only need to check on something can be a big challenge. In the past, vehicles would be used for this, costing a small fortune in fuel and the motors themselves. Nowadays, though, farmers have access to a huge range of different types of drones which can do this work for them. Some of these devices can travel for several miles before their signal weakens.

Over the next few years, the world of farming is set to become even more high tech. While a lot of people don’t have a deep connection with this field, these tools will often filter down into the retail market, providing customers with the chance to experience technology which has been tested in one of the most unlikely places; a farm.

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