Dental Implant Consultation Information

Dental Implant Consultation Information | Health | Converge

If a patient is looking to have a dental implant, they may be curious as to what the initial consultation entails so that they can be as prepared as possible with information that might be asked, or so that they can have appropriate questions ready in order to gain a deep understanding about the procedure in its entirety. 

At Spa Dental Sydney CBD in Sydney CBD, a qualified dentist will take their patient through the life benefits and potential risks associated for that individual, going over past medical and dental history in order to gain an understanding of their oral health.

The success rate of this procedure is extremely high, between 90-95%, with a range of factors including length of implant, bone quality associated with age of the patient and location of implant, all having an effect on the success of the treatment. 

This comfortable and long-term solution to missing teeth allows patients freedom of life again when it comes to laughing, eating and talking with confidence as they can be sure that no embarrassing situations can arise from slipping dentures or from unsightly missing teeth. 

By speaking to a dentist about what options are available, patients can be readily informed about their personal condition and what having this procedure will do to enhance the richness of their own lives. 

What happens at a consultation?

Dental Implant Consultation Information | Health | Converge

A general overview of what can be expected at an initial consultation can be discussed here, however, as each dentist goes about their consultations in an original and organic manner, there is no strict structure as to what a patient should expect. In general though, there are several points that will be covered during the appointment.

Questions need to be asked regarding past medical and dental history and about a person’s lifestyle and habits. Should a patient need to do some research in order to obtain the necessary information, it is wise to do so before the initial consultation. 

Dentists also want to know what their patient’s expectations are when it comes to the final result. It is important that dentists understand what the goals and desires are of their patients so that they can realistically align the true results to these goals. 

Current oral health and the density of a person’s jawbone is taken into account along with the information gleaned through past history and current lifestyle habits. Following this, a detailed examination of the teeth and gums will commence. This will include x-rays and photographs.

This is the time to discuss any fears or concerns that a person may have about the treatment, including what sedation methods they may wish to consider for the procedure. A dentist will be able to initially advise their patient if the need for any prior treatment is necessary, such as some visits to the hygienist in order to have teeth and gums in the best possible shape for the implants themselves. 

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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