Do You Know What’s Wrong With Your Business Image?

Do You Know What's Wrong With Your Business Image? | Business | Converge

You might think you are undertaking the best practices, but things still seem to be going wrong. Have you stopped to consider that it’s your business image that’s the problem, not necessarily the rest of the package? Our image is integral to every aspect. From how we do business, to our public perception, and, of course, the product itself. But do you know what is wrong, specifically, with your business image?

Is It Your Logo?

Your logo could be sending out the wrong signals. Maybe the design is too colorful, and as a result, it appeals to a younger market than your customer base. The art of logo branding is something that can be discussed long into the night, but if you don’t have a snazzy enough logo that appeals to the right people, this has to be addressed right away. In essence, this is your first port of call.

Is It Your Name?

This can be agonized over infinitely; the wrong business name is, much like the logo and the branding, a very simple way to point people in the wrong direction. Many companies undergo a rebranding procedure. The most recent example is Weight Watchers that made the rebranding change to WW so it could take advantage of the wellness trend out there right now. But so far, this has been underwhelming, to say the least. Be careful with a change of name.

The Business Communications

These days, any business can suffer from bad press in a matter of minutes. With social media, companies are ripped up and torn apart over a single social media post. We need to make the most of our communications so we can increase our brand recognition. It’s not just the perception from the customer that we need to be careful of, but also how we are perceived from all angles in business. From our clients to our supply chain, a hint of negative publicity can threaten to undermine us. The numerous number of data breaches that occurs these days is a very good example of how a business can fall foul of a bad public image. As data breaches can undermine trust between the customer and business, it’s important that we ensure this trust is maintained, by putting across an image that is consistent in all our communications.

Your Actions Dictate Your Perception

It’s a simple as that! If you don’t have a good public image, have you done something, or not done something to lose trust? It is what we do with the dictates public opinion. If we want to win more customers, is it because of the ethics that we go by? Or if we want more clients on board, do they have a distrust of our working processes? As far as image is concerned, these are two tips of a very big iceberg.

It’s a big thing in marketing; when you are marketing a business, you’re not just putting the company out there, but you are also marketing you. It’s important to reiterate this on occasion because we can easily be distracted by all the bells and whistles. At the end of the day, we have to ensure that we are holding up our end of the bargain.



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