Everything is Selling: How to Sell Your Idea, Message, Product, or Service in the Most Effective Way Possible with Zig Ziglar and Kevin Harrington

Selling is everything.

Selling is the prerequisite to success.

That’s what the founder of modern-day selling, Zig Ziglar, and countless other successful people have believed.

There’s a reason more than half of the Forbes billionaire list started out as salespeople. The number of today’s leaders who’ve succeeded by selling is high: Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Bethany Frankle, Sarah Blakely, Jeff Bezos — the list goes on.

Selling is what makes the world work and what drives the economy.

Because everything is selling — everything. Nothing ever gets done anywhere until somebody sells something.

Whatever you ate for breakfast started the journey to your table when someone sold something. You probably won’t make any money this week unless someone sells something and makes money.

Selling is what makes the world work and it’s what drives the economy. You may have a great idea, product, or service, but until it gets sold, nothing happens. Selling is the prerequisite to success.

Think of someone pursuing a new job, pitching a business or non-profit idea, sharing a message they’re passionate about, convincing a friend to hangout on the weekend, all of that is selling.

Think of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and so many others who sold the American people on starting a new nation separate from Great Britain.

Think of Bill Gates from Microsoft, Warren Buffet from Berkshire Hathaway, Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, Larry Page and Sergey Brin from Google, and so many others, all of them had something to sell.

Think of Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther, Christopher Columbus, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford, all of them, and countless others, sold their ideas to the world— and they changed everything.

Selling ideas, products, services — or even yourself — is what makes everything else possible.

What are you selling on a daily basis?

The Great Kevin Harrington

Kevin Harrington has empowered entrepreneurs for more than 30 years, as an original shark from the hit TV show Shark Tank and by helping launch more than 500 products generating more than $5 billion in global sales.

Kevin did it all through selling. His mentor, the master of selling Zig Ziglar, taught him the secrets he needed to share his ideas, products, and services in the most effective way possible.

The Master Zig Ziglar

Kevin Harrington traced the roots of his success back to when he become a protege of the great Zig Ziglar, and when he mastered his sales secrets.

Kevin also uncovered a few of his own secrets along the way, but Zig Ziglar really was the Master of Sales Masters.

His timeless secrets inspired thousands of millionaires. His book Secrets of Closing the Salesold over a million copies and is known worldwide as “the sales bible.”

Zig Ziglar touched more than 250 million people during his forty years of truly innovative sales success.

Kevin Harrington, and thousands of other successful people, could never have had the success they’ve had, if not for the sales secrets they learned from Zig Ziglar.

That’s why I am so excited to share some free secrets from Kevin and Zig called the Secrets of Sales Success.

This is vintage video of Zig and new footage of Kevin that isn’t available anywhere else and these secrets will allow you to more than 100X your success.

Selling Is Everything

I don’t care who you are or what you do, you sell. Everyone does.

  • You may be selling who you are on your resume.
  • You may be selling your team on your vision.
  • You may be selling a message to the world that you’re passionate about.
  • You may be selling a product or service the world really needs.
  • You might even be selling your parents on letting you stay up late, or your spouse on taking your family on a vacation.

Nothing ever gets accomplished until somebody sells something. Selling is about giving value and helping people live more fulfilling lives.

Here’s a FREE resource just for you: Top 3 Ways to Sell Your Idea, Message, Product, or Service.

Unfortunately, some people get the wrong idea about selling. They buy into negative stereotypes about sales, or think of a shady con-artist trying to manipulate someone into doing something.

But that’s not what selling is at all.

Selling is about giving value and helping people find solutions to problems, so they can live more fulfilling lives.

In short, selling is serving. Zig Ziglar always emphasized this truth. It’s true today and always will be.

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” — Zig Ziglar

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a salesperson, a parent, or even just a human being, you can benefit from learning how to sell.

Remember, everything is selling — and selling is serving other people.

How do you sell well?

You serve other people.

Check out the FREE Secrets of Successful Selling video series to learn all the secrets you need to make 2018 the best year of your life!

How are you going to sell yourself, your idea, your message, your product, or your service to serve other people?

Learn the Secrets of Successful Selling by clicking here, so you can better serve other people.

But wait, there’s more! 🙂

I’ll even give you Kevin Harrington’s, an original Shark from Shark Tank, Sales Success Cheat Sheet all for FREE. These are the secrets Kevin Harrington used to generate over $5 billion in sales!

Why am I giving this away?

I believe in you, and I want you to succeed.

Click here to claim your free Cheat Sheet now.

What are you waiting for?

And don’t forget to claim your FREE resource: Top 3 Ways to Sell Your Idea, Message, Product, or Service.

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