Fix Low Engagement Rate On Email Campaigns

For anyone who spends several hours planning and structuring an email campaign, there is nothing more disappointing than receiving low engagement rate. It’s become common knowledge in the marketing industry to blame low engagement rates on the hectic digital lifestyle of users, who, surrounded by the constant buzz of content online, have developed a reduced attention span. However, the 8 seconds rule of attention – making online users officially less attentive than your typical goldfish – is to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Ultimately, you are a digital browser yourself. While it’s true that you may not be spending a lot of time on every possible type of content, you can’t deny that some articles have managed to keep your attention for a prolonged period of time. Whether it was a summary about the latest sports match or a review of your favorite TV show, the truth is that you interact with content that appeals to you. The same principle applies to email campaigns. Low engagement rates are a not a testimonial of the decreased attention span online but of a flat piece of content.

Low open rate

Only 47% of marketers test their email subject lines to gain a better understanding of how to improve the general performance of the campaign. This alarming figure reveals that more than half of marketers don’t know how their subject line will perform or even if it is an engaging line – find some inspiration here What’s more worrying about it is that the subject line is ultimately the element that your audience will use to decide whether or not to open the email. It’s your only chance to improve the open rate, and, more often than not, it’s a missed opportunity for marketers. As your audience has become more digitally savvy, they know now to ignore suspicious emails that might be sent by hackers. If your subject line is left untested, it might, inadvertently, have a spammy appearance.


Your click-through rate, or CTR, refers to the level of interactions once the email has been opened. It’s fair to remind marketers, as well, that failing to make clickable links apparent can naturally drive your CTR down, even though the content might be engaging. A common mistake, indeed, is to use a template that doesn’t maximize the use of buttons and URL displays. You can find appealing templates that work both for the eyes and the mouse, such as here Your template serves as a vessel to carry your content to the readers. If the vessel fails to display the content appropriately, you’re wasting huge engagement opportunities!  

High unsubscription rate

Why don’t people want to receive your emails? What makes them click on the unsubscribe button? The answer is simple: Your content did. If you want your audience to be on the edge of their chair every single time, you need to know how to produce exciting emails. Thankfully, you can use these content templates to guide you through the creation of welcome emails, incentive feedback survey or even a follow-up message.

Fix Low Engagement Rate On Email Campaigns | Marketing | Converge

Why don’t they want to read your emails?

Making your email great is hard work. It’s a long process of trial and error before you figure out what your audience wants to receive. But it’s the best strategy to boost your engagement rate for good!

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One Thought to “Fix Low Engagement Rate On Email Campaigns”

  1. […] intensive here to see any level of success. We’re talking multiple uploads to social media, and email campaigns to increase your conversion rates. Some would even argue that you need to create video content and […]

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