How Clean-Up Technology Can Change the World

How Clean-Up Technology Can Change the World | Lifestyle | Converge

We rely on our environment to keep us healthy and happy but increasingly, we are threatening that with our activity. For all that WALL-E is a kids film set way in the future, we seem to be approaching that trash-filled planet a lot faster than we can really admit.

With the oceans filling up with plastic, the ground filling up with chemicals and the air filling up with toxins, we need to figure out a way to mitigate and manage the damage. And, through the use of smart technology, we can succeed.

The Land

Over the last 200 years, our relationship with the land has changed significantly. Industry has caused problems with polluting the soil itself with chemical leakages and spills. Furthermore, insecticides are essentially pouring poison on to fields and while the crops may benefit in the short term, it has become clear that the long term consequence is a serious lack of insects.

However, there are things we can do. Limiting the use of pesticides is a really good start and companion planting is gaining popularity with farmers as a way to manage crop rotations and harvests. Taking the toxins out of the soil is a much greater challenge than not putting them in in the first place but companies like use techniques such as thermal remediation to cleanse the land.

Through more efficient agricultural techniques to preventative measures, we can restore the land to its previous health.

The Ocean

Ocean plastic has become something of a symbol of the environmental crisis we are in but all is not lost. There are plenty of companies working hard to create simple but effective means for removing plastic. While the Ocean Cleanup project has shown that this is, in reality far from simple to put into place, what is clear is that there is an appetite for this sort of project.

There is a lot at stake with the amount of garbage that ends up in the ocean and limiting the amount that gets there in the first place should be taking top priority. By recycling more plastic, the amount going to landfill will be reduced and by using closed bins, far less should blow away accidentally.

The whole world has a lot to do.

The Air

Air pollution is a growing issue around the world and over 93% of children are growing up exposed to toxic air pollution. This is a serious problem as this kind of exposure so early on is triggering an increase in the number of cases of asthma and other respiratory problems.

Cleaning up the air is easier said than done. Again, preventative measures such as switching to renewable energy sources should be prioritised and creating green zones in cities should help. Similarly, every country should be working towards regreening by planting trees and restoring natural ecosystems such as forests, hedgerows and grasslands.

Clean up technology is often simple in theory but difficult to put into practice. As a planet, we have all come to rely on fossil fuels and divestment is a lengthy process. But all is not lost. There is still time if we are willing to take the leap.

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