How Does Concrete Flooring Affect the Temperature in Your Home?

Concrete flooring

How Does Concrete Flooring Affect the Temperature in Your Home?

Concrete flooring is becoming increasingly popular throughout the UK and it’s not hard to understand why because it has so many benefits! However, concrete flooring can get a bad reputation for being cold and industrial, affecting the temperature in your home. However, this is an incorrect but common assumption. So, to help clear up any confusion, let’s take a look at how concrete flooring affects the temperature in your home.

Concrete Flooring Absorbs Heat

Adorable, Animal, Canine, Close-Up

When people think of concrete flooring, the common assumption is that it is cold and clinical. However, this is not the case. In fact, concrete flooring is an effective thermal mass, which basically means it is great at absorbing heat. So, throughout the day, it will store heat from the sun and then slowly release it in a way that timber or carpeted floors can’t.

If your main problem with concrete flooring is that it looks cold, rather than feels cold, then why not add some warmer colours and materials to your home in the form of décor to provide a stunning contrast? Your home will look warm and inviting in no time at all.

Plan Ahead

If you’re building your home from scratch, it is important to plan ahead and know your priorities. For example, if you are particularly susceptible to the cold and you want a floor that is warm all year round, you might want to install underfloor heating. When installing concrete flooring, the concrete pour happens early on – especially if you want to achieve certain finishes or colour combinations. So, you need to plan ahead and install the underfloor heating at this stage.

Distributes Heat Effectively

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Concrete flooring is ideal for effective heat distribution and it will ensure the whole of your home is thoroughly heated. Unlike carpeted and wooden floors that do not retain heat evenly, when faced with more traditional heating systems such as a fireplace, concrete flooring will retain heat and ensure your home stays warmer for longer, even after your heating has been switched off.

Concrete Flooring Can Adapt to Temperature

Concrete flooring has so many benefits, including the ability to adapt to the temperature in your home. Concrete flooring will ensure your home stays warm in the winter and cool during the summer. What’s so great about it isn’t just that it maintains the temperature in your home but that it also saves you money on your monthly heating bills – what could be better than that?

Gains Warmth from the Sun

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During the day, when the sun is streaming in through the windows, concrete flooring stores warmth that is acquired from solar gain and recycles it inside your home to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Concrete Flooring is Green

Another significant benefits of concrete flooring as its heating abilities is how green it is. And no, I don’t mean it is the colour green, I mean it is environmentally friendly. Concrete flooring is not only made and installed without a high carbon footprint, but it also helps you save energy in your home, reduce your energy usage, and do your bit to turn your radiators down and help save the environment. If you want to use less energy in your home and make the switch to greener living, concrete flooring is the choice for you!

Have You Been Converted?

If you don’t have concrete flooring, but you’ve been thinking about it, I hope this article has helped encourage you that concrete flooring is the choice for you! If you would like to find out more about concrete flooring, how it’s installed, and it’s benefits, check out Concrete Flooring Solution’s website and discover all the information you need about this fantastic product!

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