How Important Is Staying Hydrated When Running?

How Important Is Staying Hydrated When Running? | Health | Converge

There are some runners that never take a bottle of water with them when they run. This can save the hassle of running with a bottle and it can prevent the dreaded scenario of needing to go for a pee mid-run, but is it worth the negative physical impact that dehydration can cause on the body? Here’s a brief look into how much fluids matter and how you can get exactly the right intake to perform at your best.

What happens if you go running without drinking enough water?

When we do physical exercise, the body needs extra water to provide muscles and joints with energy and elasticity. The body also sweats out a lot of water to keep us cool. On top of this, water is required to fuel the brain and keeps the mind alert.

Running whilst dehydrated can cause fatigue and muscle cramping, affecting performance significantly and increasing the chance of injury. A lack of fluids to the brain meanwhile can cause headaches and decreased co-ordination. Running in the heat whilst dehydrated meanwhile can cause heatstroke.

All in all, you don’t want to be running at high intensity whilst running low on H20.

When should you drink water?

You should drink water before, during and after a run.

Pre-run drinking is the most important. In the days leading up to the run, make sure you’re drinking regularly enough so that your urine is pale and you’re not ever feeling thirsty – this will help your body and mind to be at its best on race day. In the hour before you run, try drinking 16 ounces of water to give you that initial burst of energy.

As for during the run, you don’t actually need to drink that much, so long as you’re already fueled up with water. This is because the body isn’t good at absorbing water whilst running – drink too much and it could just be sloshing around in your stomach leading to stomach cramps, nausea and even diarrhea (you don’t want the runs on a run). Drink only when you are thirsty whilst running. There are holsters available for holding water whilst running, which can make running with a bottle of water more convenient.

As for after the run, fluids are also important. Most people need to 20 to 24 ounces after a long-distance run. This can prevent horrible cramping the next day and terrible headaches.

Is water the only fluid you should drink?

Ideally water is the best drink, as other drinks can have side-effects due to other ingredients.

Sugary drinks can be great for drinking before and after a run. This is because sugar provides energy. During a run, you may want to limit your sugar as the body may have a harder time processing it – no sugar flavored water could be a better option. Also, be careful of fizzy drinks as these can be gassy and may cause stomach discomfort.

As for caffeinated drinks, these are best avoided – whilst they provide energy, they also have a more dramatic comedown that could cause you to feel de-energised once the caffeine hit has worn off. Alcohol meanwhile should be avoided entirely as it will make you want to urinate more and inhibit your co-ordination.

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