How the EPIC Laser Helps Children at the Dentist

How the EPIC Laser Helps Children at the Dentist | Health | Converge

Is your child scared of drills?

Are they impatient when they visit the dental clinic in W1?

When you tell your child that it is time to go to the dentist, they may often be displeased to put it mildly. Many children find visiting any dental practice in London daunting; it is full of strange smells, unpleasant sounds and then of course, there is a person in a mask looking inside their mouth.

So, what can you do? You know it is important for them to visit a dental surgery in London at least twice a year but if they are becoming more impatient with each visit, is there an easier way to get them there rather than bribing them with sweets?

Yes, there is. Modern dentistry has devised a less invasive, noiseless way to deliver dental care to children, in the form of the EPIC laser system.

What is the EPIC laser?

Created in 1998 by a company called BIOLASE, the EPIC laser is the perfect way for your dentist to improve your child’s dental care, and, if they are interested in science, it is a great way to get them into the dental chair without fuss!

The EPIC laser is used to destroy bacteria on teeth, to remove tooth decay, remove cavity formation, alleviate the discomfort of ulcers and can improve the appearance of the gum line, all without any hands, needles or drills going into your child’s mouth.

If you feel that this option may be better suited to helping your child maintain good oral hygiene, ask your dentist about the EPIC laser as an alternative treatment during the next dental check-up.

Benefits of the EPIC laser

Using lasers in medical procedures is becoming more commonplace and while it may sound like a fancy treatment, there are advantages that this option can provide over traditional methods.

Less time

How the EPIC Laser Helps Children at the Dentist | Health | Converge

If it is hard for your child to sit still during check-ups or dental procedures, the EPIC laser is the perfect solution. It works quicker than a dentist holding a drill and does not produce any noise to heighten your child’s anxiety. Due to its design, it eliminates the need for needles and drills, both of which can also slow things down in the dental chair.

More targeted

The EPIC laser is more targeted to killing bacteria on the surface of enamel; unlike traditional methods that involve drilling the tooth to remove the bacteria, the laser preserves the tooth, reducing the risk of discomfort, eliminating crack formation and completely destroying all harmful bacteria.

Eliminates sensitivity

Sensitive teeth in children is common and often requires a fluoride sealant to repair. The laser can desensitise the sensitive teeth, so your child can enjoy all of their favourite treats again.

If your child is prone to sensitivity due to ulcers or sores in their mouth, the EPIC laser can remove the lasers or sores with minimal effort and no discomfort for your child.

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