How to achieve a beautiful smile

Did you know that a survey in 2018 found that almost 40% of the adult population in the UK are unhappy about the look of their smiles?

You are not alone.

There are many different factors that can affect the appearance and health of your teeth.

Thanks to the advances in dental technology, it is now easier than ever to address these factors for a more aesthetically pleasing and healthier smile in people of all ages with differing degrees of misalignment.

First, you will need to book an appointment to visit your dentist and discuss how you would like to improve your smile.

Your dentist will carry out a full examination of your teeth and gums, and with this information, you can both decide which treatment will be most suitable for you.

Straighten your teeth

To begin with, you may want to address the misalignment issues of your teeth for a straighter and more symmetrical smile.

There are many different options available for this, including conventional orthodontic treatment.

Such treatment makes use of metal braces that can be attached either in front of or behind your teeth; this will depend on your personal preference and whether you are looking for a more discreet treatment option. 

Ceramic braces are another option for those who require extensive orthodontic treatment but again are looking for a discreet option.

These forms of orthodontics are highly effective and will help you achieve a permanently beautiful smile that you can be proud to show off. 

If you have mild or moderate misalignment issues, then you may wish to speak to your dentist and find out about invisible aligners to help straighten your teeth. 

Invisalign is a highly popular method of improving the aesthetics of your smile. Similar to conventional orthodontics, Invisalign aligners work by applying gradual pressure on the teeth to move them into the desired position. 

These aligners are removable and can be taken out of your mouth and replaced when necessary.

The time taken to correct the misalignment of your teeth depends on the extent of movement necessary to achieve your desired look.

However, the average treatment times can be up to a year; this would be less for mild or moderate misalignment and more where extensive treatment is required.

Make sure your teeth are clean and healthy

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Once you are happy with the alignment of your teeth, you may wish to improve the look of your smile further.

By visiting a hygienist for a thorough scale and polish of your teeth, you can make sure that your teeth are clean and free of any plaque or tartar.

The hygienist will also make sure that your gums are healthy and that you have no underlying dental issues.

Teeth whitening

Finally, you may wish to whiten your teeth for a brighter smile.

Speak to your dentist to find out about the different whitening procedures that can be done at home in your own time with whitening systems such as Boutique and Enlighten Whitening.

These are highly effective and can successfully eliminate superficial stains on your teeth so that you can achieve a whiter, brighter and more beautiful smile. 

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