How to Conserve Water at Home

Drop of Water

How to Conserve Water at Home

Conserving water is extremely important and learning how best to save water at home can help you do your bit to help save the environment. Here in the UK we are privileged to have access to clean water every day in every home, business, and public space. However, it’s not like this everywhere and that’s why we want to raise awareness of water conservation.

We believe it is lack of understanding and awareness that causes us to waste water. So, it’s high time we understood the importance of water conservation and how to effectively conserve water at home.

From turning off the taps while you brush your teeth, to reusing boiled water, the following tips are great suggestions in how to conserve water at home with ease.

Take a Bucket to the Shower

Baby, Boy, Kid, Child, Bathing, Splash

Does your shower take a long time to heat up? A great way to conserve this excess water is to take a bucket with you into the shower and collect the cold water. Catching the excess cold water while your shower heats up can save valuable water. Depending on how long your shower takes to warm up in the morning, you can use the excess water to water your garden.

Take Showers Instead of Baths

Shower Shower Head Water Drop Of Water Tra

While a warm bubble bath in the evening is a great way to relax after a long day at work, a bath can use up to 70 gallons of water. In contrast, having a shower only uses 10 to 25 gallons of water. We’re not saying that you should never have a bath, it’s okay to indulge in one every now and then, but it’s important to have showers more often than baths to help save water.

Don’t Bother Pre-Rinsing Your Dishes

Dirty, Dishes, Kitchenware, Pots

When washing the dishes, many people pre-rinse them. However, there is not a huge amount of evidence that this rinse makes your dishes any cleaner in the long run. In fact, if you have a dishwasher many dishes do not require pre-rinsing but simply a good scrape-off. Not pre-rinsing your dishes can help save a significant amount of water.

Use a Compost Instead of a Garbage Disposal

Compost Garden Waste Bio Nature Garden Hel

Garbage disposals can use up a significant amount of water while breaking down your compost and getting rid of it. Therefore, we would strongly recommend you use a compost instead. Composting your food waste is also great for your garden.

Don’t Pour Water Down the Sink

Buddhist, Ritual, Water, Buddhism

One of the biggest wastes of our water is when we use it to boil pasta or vegetables and then we drain the leftover excess water right down the sink. Conserve water by saving the water you boil, allowing it to cool, and use it for watering the plants. Alternatively, if you’re making a nice roast dinner, use the water you boiled for the vegetables to make a nice gravy.

Turn Off the Tap…Seriously

Tap Black Faucet Kitchen Sink Interior Des

I know, we’ve all heard it before – turn off the tap! But seriously, it’s important and so few of us actually turn the tap off when we should.  When brushing your teeth there is no need to leave the tap running. It can waste such a huge amount of water. Just turn the tap off. Don’t leave it running.

If There’s a Leak, Get It Fixed

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One drip per second from a leaky tap can cost 3,000 gallons of water a year! What’s more, 3.3 billion litres of water are being wasted daily through leaky taps and it’s so easy to prevent this! If you’re unsure what to do about a leaky tap, call a professional drainage company and they can come and fix the problem for you.

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