How to Keep Your Business Safe from Hackers and Cyber Criminals

When you run a small business, you will have a lot of things to think about. You have to consider your computer systems, your team and even your expenses. One area that is often overlooked is security, and with small businesses being a prime target for cyber hackers, it is safe to say that this is not ideal.

Change your Passwords on a Regular Basis

It is common knowledge that every user should have their own password. You also need to make sure that your team are setting strong passwords as well. They should include numbers, different characters and even random symbols as well. This is your first line of defense. After all, logging in normally is the easiest way for a hacker to gain access to your system undetected.  It is also the easiest way for them to compromise your entire system without much difficulty. If you are having a problem getting your team to change their password, then make it mandatory by implementing it onto the system. If you have a cloud then the same concept applies. If you need help with that then contact The Azure Cloud Experts.

Choose the Right Internet Service Provider

A castle really is only as strong as its walls. The same can be said for your ISP. There are a huge range of services available on the market and if you want to get a good result out of your cyber security then you need to make sure that you choose the right one.  Your ISP should always have their own security department, and they should also be able to provide you with instant support, should you ever need it.


Updating your antivirus software is a simple way to keep your system secure. It only takes a few minutes but so many businesses forget to do this every single day. If you want to boost your security, then you need to try and install a firewall. This will help you to control your incoming and outgoing traffic. It is also much easier for you to know if there are any potential threats trying to access your network. This way you can prevent it and you can also learn details about who may be hacking your system.
How to Keep Your Business Safe from Hackers and Cyber Criminals | Business | Converge

Customer Data

If you store your customer data on your main system then it is so important that you secure it. Sure, you may have antivirus software and you may have a firewall as well. This is great, but when it comes to your customer data it just isn’t enough. You need to encrypt your customer data as well. This includes their financial data, as this will help them to know that they are in safe hands and it will also stop any unexpected break-ins. If hackers were to access your data then they would not be able to decrypt it and this can really help you to get a second line of defense. It doesn’t take much to encrypt data and there are plenty of software downloads out there that will do it for you.

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