Want to Lose Weight? | 3 Tips for a Healthier Life

lose weight Weight Loss

Are you struggling to lose weight? Have you been searching for the answers to improve your health? I know what it feels like to work and work and feel like you’re not making any progress. From all of the new diets, to the new exercises, to the new nutritional diets, how do you know what to do in order to actually make progress?

Sound familiar? I’ve been there. It’s tough. I’ve struggled with severe depression and anxiety in my past. But guess what? I overcame it and so can you! It gets better. You can make choices today, tomorrow, and on a regular basis that will allow you to lose weight and live a healthier life. I believe in you, and I believe if you can implement them, you’ll be well on your way to lose weight and be healthier. As a professional athlete, I’ve identified some easy tips, tactics, and techniques you can use right now to lose weight and live a healthier life.

Are you ready?

lose weight Healthy Food Options

  • You Are What You Eat
    1. Drink plenty of water. According to an article from Healthline, you should be drinking at least 2 liters, or a half-gallon of water per day.  You’ve also got to cut out soda or pop from your diet! Don’t even think about drinking diet pop. According to an article from VeryWellFit.com, if you replace 50 ounces of pop you would be drinking a day with water, you can lose up to 60lbs/year! Yes that’s right, 60lbs just by drinking water! And more importantly, you’re not putting hazardous chemicals and preservatives into your body when you focus on drinking water instead of pop.
    2. Eat wholesome meals. You’ve really got to think about your body like a machine. Or even a high-performance sports car. Do you think that a high-performance sports car gets any kind of junky fuel? NOPE! As a professional athlete, I know this first-hand. If you want to lose weight, be fit, and feel well, you’ve got to fuel your body with the right food. MedicalNewsToday shared some of their top healthful foods that you may like to take a look at. Don’t know what to cook for fast and healthy meals? Check out these 20 meals from EatingWell.com.
    3. Stay away from unhealthy snacks. Let’s face it, you’ll have the urge to eat snacks. We all do! Trust me, being an athlete, I eat all of the time! I think I eat at least 6 meals or snacks per day. So obviously you don’t want to chow down on junk food. I found this awesome article from RealSimple.com that shares 25 nutritious and tasty snacks you can eat right away. Definitely check it out! Some of my favorite snacks are in this list. 🙂 What’s your favorite healthy snack? Tell me in the comment section below!

lose weight Group Exercise

  • You’ve Got to Move It Move It
    1. Be active every day. One of the biggest excuses I see/hear is that people say they don’t have enough time in the day to exercise. I usually respond with a question, how are you spending your time? If you work, you can take at least two 15 minute breaks per day. Use those to do a short walk. Walk at your lunch break. Walk with your family after you eat dinner. Instead of sitting down and watching tv or spending hours on your smartphone, why not use that time to spend time with people close to you and get out and move? If you still don’t believe me, check out this article from BreakingMuscle.com about 11 sneaky ways to move every day.
    2. Sweat is your friend! Did you know sweating is so healthy for you? If you truly want to lose weight and be healthier, you’ve got to exercise with some cardio and strength training. Now, I’m not saying you have to do the 4-6 hours of training that I do on a daily basis, but you definitely should spend about 20-60 minutes every day or at least every three days doing some cardio and strength training. Here’s 7 cardio exercises that burn fat fast!
    3. Make it a family or friend activity. Do you need some accountability partners to help you exercise? Why not workout with your family? Here’s an awesome article from Parents.com that shares 10 ways you can exercise as a family. Rather exercise with your friends? Well, FitnessMagazine.com shared an article provides you with seven ways you can use to find a fitness buddy. You do what you’ve gotta do to motivate yourself to exercise. You can do it!

lose weight Reliv Products

  • Supplementing is Your Friend
    1. Fruits and Vegetables just aren’t what they used to be. The nutritional content of fruits and vegetables just isn’t what it used to be. The New York Times published an article discussing this topic. So should you not eat fruits or vegetables? No! They’re still great for you, but you’ve got to find some other places to get the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. That’s why supplements are so important!
    2. How can you know what’s good and what’s not? Yes, there’s so many supplements out there to choose from, and you’ve got so many voices telling you to try one particular one over the other. I wouldn’t necessarily say I know what’s best, but as a professional athlete, I’ve seen and tried many different supplements from companies claiming to be the best and they just don’t hit the mark and do for my body what I need them to do.
    3. The secret company most people don’t know about. I’ve truly only found one food-science company out there that is way ahead of everyone else. It’s Reliv International! I really haven’t found any products better than Reliv. Reliv’s scientists combine advanced research, leading-edge manufacturing and laboratory technologies, and rigorous testing to create uniquely effective formulas, resulting in:
      • 9 product patents issued
      • Clinically proven formulas
      • LunaRich®, the epigenetic superfood

Reliv is the only food-science company innovating with epigenetics! They’re the main innovators behind applying Lunasin in food, and have some of the best proven track records for a food-science company. This is one of the reasons why I’ve partnered with Reliv International to help get their products out there!

Josh Fleagle’s Reliv Story from Reliv International on Vimeo.

To check out the Reliv products, hear testimonials and reviews, and get the best supplements you can buy, check out the products on my website by clicking here. 

Also, when it comes to improving your health, what is the single greatest challenge you face? I’d love to know your answer to this question, and you may even get a special gift for sharing your answer with me. 😉 Click here to share your answer with me. 

Congratulations! If you apply the information you’ve learned today in your life, you’ll definitely lose weight and live the healthy life you want to live! Now, none of the above tips matter unless you make it happen! You’ve got to be the one making the daily decision to lose weight and live a healthier life. No one else can do it for you. I believe in you and I know so many other people believe in you too! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns let me know in the comment section or through my website at joshfleagle.com










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3 Thoughts to “Want to Lose Weight? | 3 Tips for a Healthier Life”

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