How to make your St John’s Wood invisible braces last

How to make your St John's Wood invisible braces last | Converge

If there’s one thing that patients with a brace sometimes struggle with it’s keeping their corrective orthodontic device clean. Over time, patients with invisible braces from St John’s Wood, that are poorly maintained, can expect a yellowing or thinning of the brace to appear if it is not looked after properly.

It’s something that’s easily avoidable with the right maintenance routine, so with that in mind here are a few tips on how you can make those clear aligners last.

Rinse whenever they’re removed

Starting off the list we have perhaps one of the most vitally important things you can do to eke out the longevity of your brace, and that’s just to rinse them with cold water whenever you take them out. This could be for cleaning your teeth, eating meals or just having a short break from wearing the brace all day.

Rinsing with cold water after the brace has been taken out will clear out any dried-in saliva, plaque and general gunk that can build up on the surface of the appliance throughout the day. If left alone this can become quite the breeding ground for bacteria, which could then potentially transfer to your teeth and gums and cause all sorts of oral health problems.

Brush them regularly

Another great tip worth trying out at home is to brush your brace often. Giving your clear aligners a good scrub with a recommended cleaning solution will clear out any harmful bacteria, food particles and tartar that could be forming on the brace. 

Generally you should be giving the appliance a light brushing at least once every second day, manual brushes are recommended, but you could use an electric one at a pinch if that’s your only option.

 Keep them safe

On top of regular cleaning you should also make sure that the brace is going to be left somewhere safe whenever you take it out. Sadly, some people have a bad habit of placing it in their pocket or leaving it on a surface around the home, but doing this can allow bacteria to transfer onto the brace. So to make sure you don’t accidentally end up ill from cross contamination, try to keep your brace in a sturdy container.

A sturdy case will keep your brace safe from accidental damage or loss, as well as keep it relatively sterile before you rinse it and pop it back over your teeth. There are a number of cheap cases on the market and your dental practice can often supply you with one if asked.

Have a backup pair

How to make your St John's Wood invisible braces last | Converge

Unfortunately the best cleaning regime in the world can’t help you if the braces become accidently lost or damaged, so try to keep a spare pair around somewhere close by. Or if you’re travelling, have one in a backup box that can be easily cleaned and then worn. A realignment must never be interrupted, so always have a spare brace standing by.

These are just a few things you can try at home to make sure that your new set of clear aligners last. Try not to be too overzealous with the cleaning though, as it could damage or thin out the material of the brace over time, for further cleaning advice just have a chat with your dentist.

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