Invisible braces can’t help adults! The truth behind 5 common invisible aligner myths

Invisible braces can't help adults! The truth behind 5 common invisible aligner myths

When it comes to blurring myths and facts in modern medicine, the biggest myths tend to revolve around dentistry. This may be the reason visiting dentists for check-ups is not too popular!

We have all heard myths about orthodontic braces for example; they only work on children, you can wear them for years and if you don’t wear a retainer afterwards, your teeth will fall out!

Similar myths have jumped across to the more modern braces used in cosmetic work too, such as the invisible and clear braces.

But what is myth and what is factual about the world famous Invisalign in Kings Hill? Read on to find out!

Myth 1 – It is too expensive

Fact- While it is true that most orthodontic treatments can be fairly pricey, many dental surgeries across the UK are able to offer payment plans or credit to patients.

When starting to enquire about Invisalign in Kings Hill, make sure that any chosen dental practice is clear on pricing and is able to offer a plan that is affordable; that way, the cost is broken into chunks and is more flexible to pay for.

Myth 2 – Any dentist can work with invisible braces

Fact- This is a dangerous myth that can lead to long term damage. To work with invisible braces, the dentist has to have undertaken advanced training and requires adequate experience in orthodontic procedures and tooth movement.

An invisible brace is a sophisticated tool and those who use it must be trained correctly – always research potential dentists first!

Myth 3 – You can buy adequate retainers online that work just as well

Fact- Again, this is a myth with the potential to be very damaging to one’s oral health.

Invisible braces that are guaranteed to work are only available through visiting a specialist trained in orthodontic procedures. In the same way you wouldn’t buy prescription glasses online, it is incredibly unwise to purchase cosmetic aligners from a website.

The cheaper price may be tempting but any potential damage may be more costly in the long run!

Myth 4 – Invisible braces don’t work on adults

Invisible braces can't help adults! The truth behind 5 common invisible aligner myths

Fact- The majority of patients who undertake treatments with invisible braces are adults, so they really do work!

While there is evidence to support undertaking orthodontic treatment earlier in life is beneficial, this does not mean that it is impossible past the age of 18! Any realignment work may take slightly longer to complete but this is only because adult teeth are more firmly set in place, so patience is a virtue!

Myth 5 – Invisible braces are difficult to wear

Fact- Having any unusual object in your mouth can be tricky at first, especially when you are wearing it for 22 hours a day.

Invisible braces are custom fitted to the teeth for each stage of the realignment process; they slot in place like mouthguards used in sports, so while there may be some adjusting required during the first few days, the thin plastic material should not cause any uncomfortable protrusions.

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