Is Your Skin Causing You Pain? Common Issues Any One Of Us Can Face

Is Your Skin Causing You Pain | Converge

There is no hiding from our skin is there? It is an organ that covers our entire body, and one that when there is an issue, you know all about it. Many of us can ensure that we take the time to take care of our skin properly. We have regular skin care routines. We moisturise and do all of the right things. We drink plenty of water and do what we can to ensure we look healthy. But, there can be chronic skin conditions that are not curable, and they can hit us at varying points in our lives, or be something that we have always had to deal with. However, with these common issues, there are ways to manage them. So here are four of the common skin conditions that can be causing you physical and emotional pain, and a few tips to help you cope.


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that many of us will have to deal with at certain points. Some of us will struggle more than others. All of us will have had a spot breakout at some stage in our lives, but there can be occasions where acne is something that is continuous and can cause issues in your life when it comes confidence and self-esteem. Acne is more associated as an adolescent thing, but there are more cases of adults getting it. It is down to oily skin that blocks up the pores, causing spots and breakouts to occur. You can manage it through a change in your skincare routine, and using medicated products, creams and even tablets to help the situation.


Psoriasis is a common skin condition that forms thick red bumpy patches on your skin covered in silvery scales. They can pop up anywhere on your body, but they most commonly show up on elbows and in the scalp area. It can be something that comes and goes, and you can either have small or larger patches on your body. It can be quite a difficult thing to go through which is why seeking out support and advice on online forums like Inspire Psoriasis support group could help you come to terms with it a better. Many treatments include steroid creams and moisturisers to help combat the situation once and for all. However, there is no reason why this can occur.


Eczema is a term that’s used to cover a range of skin conditions that can irritate and inflame the skin in some way. It can appear on any part of your body, and the most common side effect is that area is very itchy and irritated. In some severe situations that eczema can bleed and be very sore. There is no common denominator as to why people can struggle with eczema. It most commonly found in infants, but some adults can have it as well. It is normally treated with creams and medicated to solutions to ease the irritation. There are likely to be support groups locally or even information online to help you better understand how to cope.

Sometimes knowing what things are and how to treat them is the best cause action.

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