It is now possible to straighten your teeth in your own home?

It is now possible to straighten your teeth in your own home? | Converge

It is now possible to undergo teeth straightening treatment from the comfort of your own home. Clear Braces Direct in London leaves you completely in control of your own treatment and requires you to have a minimal amount of dental visits. This means that you can easily fit straightening your teeth into your lifestyle, no matter how busy you may be with work, your family or friends.

It is possible to book a consultation appointment online or over the phone, and once your treatment has begun it could take as little as six months to be complete. If you are worried about how expensive the treatment might be then fret no more, as you will not be expected to pay your treatment off in one go. There are monthly plans available where you will be able to pay a set amount each month until the total cost of your treatment has been paid off.

It is now possible to straighten your teeth in your own home? | Converge

Invisible aligners that are barely noticeable

Invisalign treatment is becoming increasingly popular due to its discreet and convenient nature. You will be given several sets of thin, plastic aligners to wear that are almost invisible and barely noticeable to both you and everybody else. The aligners fit comfortably over your teeth as they are custom-made especially for you and should not be uncomfortable for your tongue. They are completely removable too, which makes cleaning your teeth and eating convenient and stress-free.

Taking care of your aligners is easy. All you need to do is make sure that they are cleaned each day and that you brush your teeth before putting them back in after you have eaten or have had sugary drinks. Each set of aligners will gradually move your teeth into their new positions and you will wear your aligners in a certain order, changing them every two weeks. Sometimes you will not need to wear them for the full two weeks and can change to the next prescribed set sooner, but this is something that you should discuss with your dental practitioner as every person’s needs are different.

Straightforward treatment will have you smiling in months

How long your Invisalign treatment will take will depend upon your individual circumstances, but you can generally expect this treatment to take between four and six months. If your teeth need to be moved more to become straight you will need to wear more sets of aligners than if your teeth do not need to move much.

Even though your aligners are easily removable you must wear them for at least twenty-two hours a day. If you do not wear them for the right amount of time this could hinder your treatment and potentially cause you to need to restart the treatment. If you need to restart your treatment this could result in additional costs and a longer treatment time, so it is important that you wear your aligners correctly the first time around.  

Once your treatment has ended and your teeth are straight, your dental practitioner will issue you with a clear, plastic retainer that you need to wear to ensure that your teeth do not shift back into their old positions. You may need to wear this constantly for the first few weeks, but then it is likely that you will only need to wear it at night while you are sleeping.

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